C#9mo ago

Enter and move buttons

so I have a group box on top of which there is a panel and there are buttons created by man. I want to use the arrows to go through these buttons and like a button to open when water enters. I tried something and it didn't work https://paste.ofcode.org/tmY8FykMqwpewsALC8RB3x
2 Replies
Pobiega9mo ago
a button to open when water enters
You are not making any sense at all You need to sit down and actually explain what you are trying to do, what you have tried, what didnt work etc 2 sentences of word sallad isnt gonna cut it
AleOP9mo ago
i m sorry So I have a form that has 3 buttons, each button sits in the groupbox a panel with various buttons that are created by hand in the code. I want a path to open when I press enter. So, with the help of the arrows, I want to go through those buttons in the panel and when I press enter, that path will open. (I haven't implemented that path yet, I first wanted to see if it would work to move with the arrows on the buttons). In the first method private void Square_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) is the event for the entire gen load interface. Here I checked if it moves to the left or to the right to move to the other button. For each button that was created manually, I put an index, so the first button has index 0 (selectedIndex = 0; squares[selectedIndex].Focus();) . I'm sorry if I explained badly

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