✅ Menus and Submenus in VSIX Extensions
I'm quite new with extension development and i'm stuck in what is seems to be a simple element but i can't figure out what i'm missing.
I'm trying to accomplish a menu (submenu?) to put all commands of the extension like some already do (like aws toolkit, codemaid, etc). But no matter what i do, the commands are displayed just as a separated commands
This is the content of my vsct file
What i've tried so far:
(order or hierarchy)
- (tools) -> group -> menu -> command
- (tools) -> menu -> group -> command
- (tools) -> menu -> command
- Making the menu and the group have the same id (the current content:
- Making the menu and the group have different ids
- Trying different types for the Menu (Menu, MenuController, etc)
- Specify different child elements like CommandFlag
in the Menu attribute (since they said in the docs that was required)
At this point i don't really know what i'm missing. I've also tried to search for examples in this repo but without luck
Are there any docs / articles that can guide me in the right direction?GitHub
GitHub - microsoft/VSSDK-Extensibility-Samples: Samples for buildin...
Samples for building your own Visual Studio extensions - microsoft/VSSDK-Extensibility-Samples
1 Reply
I'm not quite sure what steps did i do that made menu appear, but as a reference for other persons or for future me since my memory is shit:
1: Have the menu and group in a different GuidSymbol
2: Have the menu as the top most element.
So menu <- group <- command