Synchronization error, with threads
Hi i am busy with a small project, and i am stuck at some sycnhronization issue with my threads.
I fresh mind would be appreciated highly!
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Situation is as follow:
I have a library system where there is a clerk and a customer.
There is a linkedlist. With books
I specify the amount of n_threads(customer, clerks, book)
Then i made it concurrent so that a clerk can place a book on the counter(linkerlist) and a customer can pick that book up and when done the customer can drop it on the dropzone(linkedlist)
The clerk then checks de dropzone and place it back in the records(library)
I use dotnet6
So what's your synchronization issue?
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The problem is that,
Because my clerk is not finishing there is an mismatch in records
I will share some code
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