C#6d ago

C# Roadmap for DSA

Can anyone help me out with a roadmap for DSA in C#, what exactly to learn, where to practice and where to learn. Thanks
13 Replies
Jimmacle6d ago
what do you mean by DSA? if you're implementing your own then there's not much to really research as far as C# goes what's your end goal?
sibber6d ago
the language isnt relevant
Anton6d ago
you need these 4 in any language: - functions - types & pointers or references - arrays - loops
HermitMonkOP6d ago
I want to learn algorithms and be able to solve those questions for company interviews. For that i need to know where can i start and what exactly i need to know.
Jimmacle6d ago
We can't tell you exactly what questions interviewers will ask, and a good interview won't just be throwing leetcode problems at you Typical software development has little to do with DSA besides knowing when to use different ones, nobody is reinventing the wheel writing them from scratch
Anton6d ago
that's not true, you make graphs and trees all the time
For starters, you could try the W3 tour: https://www.w3schools.com/dsa/index.php It uses python but like others say, the language doesn't matter.
Anton6d ago
unless the problems you solve are boring
SineѶeҀҬOӶ⒉⓸⎤ᚙ▟ ▞╸
Leave out loops. you can technically create a loop with functions.
Why give bad advice?
SineѶeҀҬOӶ⒉⓸⎤ᚙ▟ ▞╸
It's not completely bad. Sure you could get a stack overflow but it's a fact that it's possible. I didn't say it was good
"Leave out loops." is different to "Loops can also be implemented via recursion.". That's why I said that. We probably mean the same thing anyway.
Jimmacle6d ago
lots of practical problems in software development are boring i'm not counting basic OOP composition as data structures

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