C#6d ago

Looking for a roadmap to become .net backend junior.

HI! I would be greatfull if somebod could give me a real roadmap of what I should learn and how to practice to become .net backend junior.
6 Replies
FusedQyou6d ago
Nick Chapsas
Everything a .NET Developer Needs to Know in 2025
Get the roadmap: https://mailchi.mp/dometrain/roadmap2025 Learn C# for free: https://dometrain.com/bundle/from-zero-to-hero-csharp/ Become a Patreon and get special perks: https://www.patreon.com/nickchapsas Hello, everybody, I'm Nick, and this is my annual .NET and C# Developer roadmap for 2025. It focuses mainly on the backend, but almost al...
FusedQyou6d ago
Not necessarily tied to Junior specific things, but it covers all the topics you should know for .NET in general.
NotchuOP6d ago
so I could get a job with all these knowledge ?
Pobiega6d ago
bare minimum: very good understanding of C# fundamentals, somewhat experienced with ASP.NET and the dotnet generic hosting model (M.E.DI, M.E.Configuration etc), solid understanding of HTTP itself (verbs, headers, request/response etc), and finally knowing how to use EF Core but yheah, check nicks video, it covers a bigger picture and includes stuff like git, IDE, how to find information etc
FusedQyou6d ago
That's very broad. Jobs require different skills. What Nick explains is the most relevant skills a .NET developer can learn in 2025.
NotchuOP6d ago
got it thank you guys

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