C#8mo ago
Kit N Kat

Is there any difference between visual studio code and community?

I have one with purple logo studio code just wanted to be sure since what i remembered it was blue logo and also how do i remove this extra stuff other than output from the output panel?
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8 Replies
Monsieur Wholesome
Visual Studio Code is a Text Editor with community-made extensions that can do many many thing; But is barely enough for C# development. Think of Notepad++, and how you can have extensions there too Visual Studio (Community, Professional, Enterprise) is an IDE. An integrated development environment. A program purely made for specific programming language. In this case it is the .NET languages, which are C#, F#, VB.NET and a couple more The experiences is going to be miles better on Visual Studio, than in Visual Studio Code, as it is entirely made for C# At least when you get to more advanced projects, and not just console programs with < 100 lines of code
Kit N Kat
Kit N KatOP8mo ago
that means mine is studio lets goo also how do i get rid of the excess text on output screen?
Monsieur Wholesome
You cant really It's either that, or the Console / Terminal automatically closes itself It automatically closes by default, and this happens when you double click the .exe it compiles But VS is as nice as to have that behaviour that says "Yo, the program ended btw. I will leave this open until you press a key, but if you dont want this and you want it to always automatically close the console, here is where you have to go and check a box"
Kit N Kat
Kit N KatOP8mo ago
btw another problem i am facing is that after a certain amount of lines no more lines are displayed in output panel
Monsieur Wholesome
Kit N Kat
Kit N KatOP8mo ago
there is no error in the console
Monsieur Wholesome
Open up another thread for that issue
Kit N Kat
Kit N KatOP8mo ago
nvm i solved it (i hope lol) after typing more lines the excess stuff disappeared :D

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