C#8mo ago

Generate a unique number given two other numbers between -10 and 10

Is this possible? I cannot seem to figure out an equation that doesn't have collisions.
6 Replies
for this case the easiest way is to create dictionary that stores existing values or you want to make seed with 2 numbers?
ChezZOP8mo ago
I want to pass two numbers in and generate one single number
Salman8mo ago
how do you want the single number to be generated using those two numbers ? Like what's the purpose of those two nums
MODiX8mo ago
REPL Result: Success
var used = new List<int>();

for (int i = -10; i <= 10; i++)
for (int j = -10; j <= 10; j++)
used.Add(GenerateUniqueNumber(i, j));

Console.WriteLine(used.Count == used.Distinct().Count());

int GenerateUniqueNumber(int a, int b)
// Ensure numbers are within the range -10 to 10
if (a < -10 || a > 10 || b < -10 || b > 10)
throw new ArgumentException("Numbers must be between -10 and 10");

// Map numbers from range -10 to 10 to a positive range for uniqueness
int rangeOffset = 10; // Offset to map -10 to 0
int mappedA = a + rangeOffset;
int mappedB = b + rangeOffset;

// Generate unique number using a combination formula
int uniqueNumber = mappedA * 21 + mappedB; // 21 is the number of possible values for num2 (-10 to 10 inclusive)

return uniqueNumber;
var used = new List<int>();

for (int i = -10; i <= 10; i++)
for (int j = -10; j <= 10; j++)
used.Add(GenerateUniqueNumber(i, j));

Console.WriteLine(used.Count == used.Distinct().Count());

int GenerateUniqueNumber(int a, int b)
// Ensure numbers are within the range -10 to 10
if (a < -10 || a > 10 || b < -10 || b > 10)
throw new ArgumentException("Numbers must be between -10 and 10");

// Map numbers from range -10 to 10 to a positive range for uniqueness
int rangeOffset = 10; // Offset to map -10 to 0
int mappedA = a + rangeOffset;
int mappedB = b + rangeOffset;

// Generate unique number using a combination formula
int uniqueNumber = mappedA * 21 + mappedB; // 21 is the number of possible values for num2 (-10 to 10 inclusive)

return uniqueNumber;
Console Output
Compile: 482.749ms | Execution: 51.678ms | React with ❌ to remove this embed.
this seems to be working (chatgpt)
ChezZOP8mo ago
wait what thats generated by chat gpt? that works btw thank you

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