making mail sender
I`m trying to make mail sender service but can't figure out how to use those online mail services. I tried using sendgrid and mailersend but I dont understand from where should I get that "from" email. I heard about smtp server but im not sure what it is and how to use it
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well i want to play with ImGui and it seems that it doesnt work by itself, like it need some window to connect to. So I added ClickableTransparentOverlay package and now ImGui magicly working even thought I didnt write any "connection" code between ImGui and ClickableTransparentOverlay window. So my question is how does ImGui knows to which window it should connect?
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so, im trying to complete codecrafters challenge 'build your own http server'.
And I was doing task 'Respond with 200' where i needed to just return 200 code to the client, but it didnt work. After some research I found out that I need to read request data before making a response, but why?
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I want to create a web api forum pet project, but only using google oauth for auth. I implemented the process of getting the access token from google, but i don't know how do i need to store user in db, so i can get all posts, info about user that wrote this post (like his pfp etc)
21 replies
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I want to create a web api forum pet project, but only using google oauth for auth. I implemented the process of getting the access token from google, but i don't know how do i need to store user in db, so i can get all posts, info about user that wrote this post (like his pfp etc)
1 replies