C#4mo ago

✅ Having issue with CS7036 (No argument given that corresponds to the required parameter)

Hello. I am currently learning methods and I'm having trouble with a specific line of code regarding "EnterContest()". I am unsure how to fix the CS7036 issue being produced by it. I have tried many things, but to no avail. I want it to pass a bool for playing a game unique to a club depending on whether they win or not.
4 Replies
SpiritOP4mo ago
I think I may have figured it out after reviewing the instructions
jcotton424mo ago
People generally don't memorize the error numbers @Spirit. What's the actual error message?
SpiritOP4mo ago
Pardon me, the description is there is no argument given that corresponds to the required parameter specifically, gameRandom of Program.Enter.Contest(Random) [a method] anyways, I solved the issue by initializing the object before calling the method which is what I should've done in the first place I will go ahead and close this as I have figured out the issue and resolved it. Thank you for your time. !close
Accord4mo ago

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