C#4w ago

Debugger in rider showing variable name not in current cs script

Hello guys, noticed the variable shown in red in the diagram. In my script, I don't even have those variable, so where do they come and why is rider's debugger showing me that please
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4 Replies
matkoch4w ago
are those custom watches you added before?
FakerOP4w ago
euhh I don't remember but I know I've once tried to play with the watch yeah I believed these are old watches because
FakerOP4w ago
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FakerOP4w ago
I didn't have this watch, I add it but this watch is only available in a specific scope so when I debug my code, it first gives me this but when I jump into the method required I believed I won't have it any more so I guess I need to clear the watches ? yeah I have the option "Remove watch"

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