C#2mo ago

Reccomendations for starter/intermediate c# projects

So basically, i know all the basics of C# but idrk how to apply that well. currently im trying to make a small tictactoe game just using the terminal and stuff, but i dont know what to practice from there onward. does anyone have any advice? im mainly interested in building a game, visual stuff (like maybe a 3d renderer at some point?) and also writing scripts that can interact with my browser and do niche stuff. currently most of this seems kind of hard so i want to work my way up from where i am and also learn how to optimize my code along the way.
4 Replies
phaseshift2mo ago
ray tracer always a good one
phaseshift2mo ago
GitHub - karan/Projects: :page_with_curl: A list of practical proje...
:page_with_curl: A list of practical projects that anyone can solve in any programming language. - karan/Projects
Angius2mo ago
MODiX2mo ago
Collections of application ideas that anyone can solve in any programming language to improve coding skills: https://github.com/dotnet/dotnet-console-games https://github.com/karan/Projects https://github.com/florinpop17/app-ideas

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