11 Replies
so i have this View which uses an incomming model
upon clicking "submit", the post method Category/EditCategory() executes
But my question is, how does it obtain the argument "entry"?
through the beauty of "model binding"
tag identities the controller and action it should send the data towhat is this magic 😭
its basic HTML my friend
so the object sent back is the Model used?
tag with method="post"
will send its data in a certain way, essentially a collection of key-value pairs
but that doesnt actually matter
it just lets asp help you more
but you could just as well not set a model, and not use asp-for
tags etc
it would still work, due to how the model binder worksAnd the <input> tags are used to edit the attributes of the object?
is what creates an editable control in HTML yes
the asp-for
tag associates the input with the given model property:DDDD
yeee now my stuff works fine
danke schnitzel