C#10mo ago

best place to get started learning C# for web dev?

I’ve been learning C# fundamentals for a little while now and I’m trying to find a reliable tutorial or documentation (preferably a video tutorial) on building and learning C# for web dev. I get a little confused over which version it’s currently in, assuming because of my tag that it’s ASP.NET CORE? Also.. am I fine writing this one VSC, or is there an advantage to using VS? I write mostly react right now so I live in VSC. Thanks!
4 Replies
Angius10mo ago
Yes, ASP.NET Core is what you want to use. Version 8.0 is current VSC is great for the frontend but sucks monkey balls when it comes to C# VS is the opposite, great at C# but frontend support is abhorrent Far as tutorials go, MS documentation has some nice getting started tutorials Beyond that, I honestly recommend just googling around and asking here. That's how I learned, so I don't have any tutorials to recommend.
CDLOP10mo ago
Yeah that seems to be the way I’ll have to go, for some reason the Microsoft office site has a video tutorial but it was in vsc and it was quite confusing after a certain point 🤣
Anchy10mo ago
build something with ASP.NET Core and you will learn a lot that way
CDLOP10mo ago
True. I got overwhelmed by trying to just start a project and work it out but that fire ship video where he builds a fullstack app with several languages explained .net pretty well, so I’m confident I can at-least try now 😂

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