C#4mo ago

✅ Seeding question

Hi all, In my app I am using EF Core I have a many to many relationship between machine and option Every machine has a different price per option, so I added price as payload to the junction table. Pseudocode: Machine:
List<OptionMachine> options; // Only holding OptionMachine list and not of options because we only want to access the options with a price.
String description;
List<OptionMachine> options; // Only holding OptionMachine list and not of options because we only want to access the options with a price.
String description;
List<Machine> machines;
List<Machine> machines;
public int MachineId { get; set; } = default!;

private Machine machine = default!;
public required Machine Machine
get => machine;
set => machine = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException();

public int OptionId { get; set; } = default!;

private Option Option = default!;
public required =Option Option
get => customOption;
set => customOption = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException();

private decimal price = default!;

public required decimal Price
public int MachineId { get; set; } = default!;

private Machine machine = default!;
public required Machine Machine
get => machine;
set => machine = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException();

public int OptionId { get; set; } = default!;

private Option Option = default!;
public required =Option Option
get => customOption;
set => customOption = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException();

private decimal price = default!;

public required decimal Price
Now my question is how do I seed Machine? Lets say I have some existing options:
var options = await dbContext.Options.ToListAsync();

//Machine to seed:
Machine machine = new(){
options = { new(){ Machine = //how to reference machine here?,
Option= options[0], price=500M }}

var options = await dbContext.Options.ToListAsync();

//Machine to seed:
Machine machine = new(){
options = { new(){ Machine = //how to reference machine here?,
Option= options[0], price=500M }}

As you can see I cannot use the machine itself to seed the junction table, how do I go about doing this?
16 Replies
Jiry_XDOP4mo ago
I know I can probably add them later, outside of the initialization but I'd like to enforce that a machine needs to exist WITH options WITH a price.
Keswiik4mo ago
You do not have to set Machine in your OptionMachine entity for this to work. Assuming your relationships aren't messed up, EF should handle this for you. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/saving/related-data#adding-a-graph-of-new-entities I also don't know why you're not using auto props here
public class OptionMachine {
public int MachineId { get; set; } = default;
public Machine? Machine { get; set; } # nullable because you can load the junction entity without loading the nav props

public int OptionId { get; set; } = default;
public Option? Option { get; set; }

public decimal Price { get; set; } = default;
public class OptionMachine {
public int MachineId { get; set; } = default;
public Machine? Machine { get; set; } # nullable because you can load the junction entity without loading the nav props

public int OptionId { get; set; } = default;
public Option? Option { get; set; }

public decimal Price { get; set; } = default;
Jiry_XDOP4mo ago
Gotcha thanks! One more question however: As you can see in my machine class I have only a List of OptionMachine But not a list of Option. Online I always saw that they add both the explicit Junction/Join entity and the entity itself?: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/modeling/relationships/many-to-many#many-to-many-and-join-table-with-payload https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78766403/net-ef-core-how-to-correctly-insert-and-update-a-model-in-a-many-to-many-rela For example in above Post, they hold both a list of Tag and a list of PostTag
Stack Overflow
.NET EF Core : how to correctly insert and update a model in a many...
I am writing a .NET CRUD application with layered architecture with EF Core for ORM. I have two models (Players and Teams) stored in the database with a join table between them (Player in Team). Th...
Many-to-many relationships - EF Core
How to configure many-to-many relationships between entity types when using Entity Framework Core
Jiry_XDOP4mo ago
Do you need both or is one fine?
Keswiik4mo ago
Not sure, I always set my many-many relationships up to use an explicit join table
Jiry_XDOP4mo ago
Okay thanks, do you use them both? A list of your item and a list of your junction table? For example this Player class has both, but I am not sure if its necesarry?:
No description
Keswiik4mo ago
No, I only use the explicit join table in my entities There are probably cases where having access to the other nav collection would be useful, but I don't use it myself
Jiry_XDOP4mo ago
Gotcha, so you only hold TeamPlayers in the image's case?
Keswiik4mo ago
Jiry_XDOP4mo ago
Great thanks, that's what I was wondering if it worked Thanks 😛
Keswiik4mo ago
Jiry_XDOP4mo ago
True, thats why I wanted to omit it
Keswiik4mo ago
one thing to note, though, if you are creating a new entity and it references other entities that already exist, you may only need to set the ID on your join entity say, for example, you are creating a new machine that references an existing option i would probably do something like
var newMachine = new Machine {
// stuff here
Options = new() {
new() {
OptionId = someExistingOption.Id
var newMachine = new Machine {
// stuff here
Options = new() {
new() {
OptionId = someExistingOption.Id
I've had times where the EF change tracker tried re-creating the entities specified if the nav property was set to something that already existed
Jiry_XDOP4mo ago
Oh I see thanks for the tip 🙂 I'll put that to good use 😛
Keswiik4mo ago
:PepoSalute: gl
Jiry_XDOP4mo ago
Thanks 😋

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