C#2w ago
M. Hammad

pLEASE recommend me a C# backend or software engineer roadmap

I have seriously gone through awful learning experiences and I am stuck. people tell me different things and I lost track. I really need help I have to self learning. I have pressures to learn on top of adhd. my time is expensive and I have wasted a lot and am still wasting.
12 Replies
Pobiega2w ago
did you bother searching? There are at least 12 recent posts asking the exact same thing
M. Hammad
M. HammadOP2w ago
I am currently look there now
Jimmacle2w ago
look for C# backend jobs and see what technologies they're looking for
DDmax5002w ago
Same here
M. Hammad
M. HammadOP2w ago
They mention 32 things, they want you to be a flawless mentor, leader, blah and blah I say "let me sit on the computer and do my thing" they mention a lot and they are so greedy they actually mention everything
yourFriend2w ago
Developer Roadmaps - roadmap.sh
Community driven roadmaps, articles and guides for developers to grow in their career.
yourFriend2w ago
I'm just a noob, so can't comment on its credibility
Jimmacle2w ago
i mean the tech stack, not every single thing on the posting if you want to get a job doing something the best way to start learning is to research what people are hiring for
Pobiega2w ago
roadmap.sh lists literally everything, making it kinda meh roadmaps as a concept are flawed in general, but https://github.com/milanm/DotNet-Developer-Roadmap/blob/main/NET%20Roadmap.png is better at least
M. Hammad
M. HammadOP2w ago
ye the above site is like just telling you all the options out there
Arjix2w ago
- learn how to write sql queries (mysql/mariadb/postgres, not oracledb or mssql) - learn what http requests are, what the HTTP verbs are (GET/HEAD/POST/etc), what they mean, etc - learn the REST principles - make a simple CRUD w/o using a database - try out dapper/efcore - learn about JWT, how it works, what claims are - try to make a CRUD that uses all your previous knowledge - learn that abstraction is the devil, and that at most you should only do 1 to 2 layers of abstraction and not more - try to make a real backend - - first think of the requirements - - think of all the endpoints you may need - - implement stub controllers so your endpoints appear in Swagger UI - - think of the database schema based on your endpoints (or the reverse) - - write the glue code that connects your database to your controllers, aka repositories - - start implementing all the routes that you made stubs of - - write tests for each individual route you complete - realise why your real backend is trash - - inspect the database, is your schema clean, does it have indexes, does it have constraints? - - inspect your code, do you fetch unecessary stuff from the database? do you waste resources? - - is your code all over the place? are you trying to be a java dev in c#? (too many abstractions) - make another real backend - make yet another real backend - make yet another real backend - make yet another real backend - make yet another real backend after learning the fundamentals, repetition is king the more you do smth, the easier time you have when troubleshooting the clearer the problems are the better database schemas you make learn from your mistakes prototype a lot being afraid of making mistakes won't help you
M. Hammad
M. HammadOP2w ago
great, I didn't understand this all but I will save this and try it.

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