✅ System.Threading.Channels - Consumer is blocking the main thread where the producer is
The producer writes to the channel with
, but the consumer blocks the termination of the producer.
The outcome should be a non-blocking read, so the producer would complete in the meantime.
The following is the consumer:
32 Replies
how is the consumer started?
It's a quartz background job
The quartz scheduler is running separately from the .net app
WaitToReadAsync will wait either for an item to be available (returns true) or that you do Writer.Complete(), when it returns false
if you just want the consumer to process what is available and then exit, use
while (Reader.TryRead(out var item)) {}
The consumer must run until the app stops. The producer should just write and ignore the rest
so how would that block terminating the producer?
normally you do Writer.Complete() to say no more data is coming, then await Reader.Completion to see when everything is processed
I modified the code as follows:
The producer now termines. But the consumer never consumes the message
in that case the consumer will exit at any point the channel is empty
just keep in mind you can't write more to the channel after you complete it
write happens during an enpoint call
I think it's clearer now, thank you
I will try to do the modifications
causes the blocking. But I don't want that at all.
Is a while(true)
block with delay in it a good solution?that's the whole idea, it will wait either for more data to be available, or no data to ever be available
you have to explain how you want it to work
The producer writes to the channel, and it does not care what happens, it needs no response, so it must not be blocked (fire & forget)
The consumer reads from the channel and processes the data without blocking anyone. The consumer exists when the main application stops running
if you put the consumer in a background service, you can use the stoppingToken to complete the writer and wait for reader completion
or just hook the lifetime events yourself, but hosted service is quite easy
Do you refer to the built in backgroud service?
yeah, inherit from BackgroundService and it takes care of the lifetime events
Yes it might be more optimal for a job like this, since it's lifespan is bound to the app's lifetime
Many thanks, will try to implement it
Would this mean spawning separate backgound services?
for what?
the stopping token, does it only signals the caller that the execution was canceled?
in BackgroundService, it signals that the app is stopping
no matter what combination of write, read method I try, the producer is always blocked
is called, the consumer instanly executes, blocking the producerthat is bad code, it will spin as fast as it can
I know, but the delay will not solve the blocking
Why is the producer even blocked is beyond me, it should only write to the channel and call it a day
hard to say when you only show two lines
Everything else is business logic, unrelated to the issue. There are 2 lines in the producer that are relevant. Once the
is called, the TryRead()
executes, and the consumer is blocked
but why are you running the consumer via Quartz?
if you plan on running it periodically via Quartz, you can use
while (_reader.TryRead(out var metadata))
, but i don't think Quartz is a good fit for something that should run for the duration of the application. if so use a hosted serviceSorry
I am just dumb. It was working all along
it's just in debug because there was no delay it automatically executed that part of the code....
Thank you for having the patience for me.... :))
no worries, good that it's working
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Opinion: first article looks better as an introduction than the devblog one, but but should still be read in that order
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