✅ Memory leak or What?
Whenever I call my controller in .net web app, my memory usage gets increased on each call and it never decreases what can be issue?? I will share my code Snippets bellow!
80 Replies
This is function that fetched data from db
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ok wait
This code doesn't have any issues as far as I see btw
Doesn't the memory lower after a short while?
from the provide code u clean up everything u would have to clean up, so the code is actually fine
my memory usage gets increased on each call and it never decreases what can be issue??how long is that "never" and what is the memory pressure? the GC is by default not doing much to release memory below 90% of system memory usage. did u check if there are still instances somewhere in the memory, or is it just process allocated memory which from the GC point of view is free?
If you can afford to dump some money into it, https://www.jetbrains.com/dotmemory/ is an amazing tool to find possible memory leaks
dotMemory: a Memory Profiler & Unit-Testing Framework for .NET by J...
dotMemory allows you to analyze memory usage in a variety of .NET applications
BlazeBin - geaypfyajbrj
A tool for sharing your source code with the world!
Like when i send req again and again and again memory keep increasing :/
how do u look at it that the memory usage is increasing? just the task manager?
No vs diagonistic tool
This is at start of application

This is after making call

Take a snapshot
When it's that high

Then you can see what is taking up memory
I did that but it says something like this wait

After app loads and when i make like 15+ req
Now how i can know what is issue :/

Okay but 92MB is not much
Does it never collect, even after a minute?
Nope :[

right now its this
How is your data context created?
And/or created in the factory
Wait i will add extra code in that link
SErvice factory is scoped same for factory
BlazeBin - erzyhdvpvmqw
A tool for sharing your source code with the world!
Go to end did changes
as u can see from the screenshots, the GC isnt even collecting garbage yet.
there is simply not enough memory pressure to make it work their ass off
So i should not worry about it :/
So my code is really safe?
Like there is not any issue
none at all
ok that's great to hear :']
Btw how good that code is written
i know its not that big or anything complex but still any review?
its basically memory the process allocated, that doesnt even mean that the memory is actually used, the yellow GC thing is the stop-the-world-to-free resources.
which it doesnt do if there is enough memory left (dont do extra work if ya dont need to)
Ok gotcha!
its good and clean, the only thing i find weird is that u use the db context factory instead of just letting DI inject the context
Yesterday i was thinking about doing concurrency with it. Like here i am getting list of data from different tables so why not i use parallelization
But at that time i didn't knew that there is limit for max connection of context to db
both the controller and the dbcontext are usually registered as scoped lifetime.
for asp.net there is a scope for each request,
thus if u would use normal constructor injection for the dbcontext u would have the same result
the dbcontext doesnt reflect connections
Wait what :/ ?
they represent a unit of work
Wait so what represent connection ..
I misunderstood things that means --
under the hood there is connection pooling going on.
the dbcontext will get a connection from that pool, or if there is none, it will establish a connection.
but the whole thing is "i have one task to do, and for that i do the tracking and alike"
the connections are handled under the hood for ya, u dont have to care about them
Wait i remember there is something like DbContextPool, that is for connection?
Oh ok
thats simple instance pooling, not even connection pooling ;p
So there is way to controll that connection and pooling, if yes can u share article if you have
or topic name so i can learn it further
uhh the actual connection pooling depends on the database driver efcore is using under the hood (yes, not even efcore itself deals with that),
ill try to find something, but i dont think i ever had a guide/tutorial/documentation on that
there is a small section about connection pooling, but better read the whole article:
So another thing I want to ask is how to know there is real memory leak like here it was not memory leaks or anything like that, also gc was not collecting stuff
I am confused here
memory leaks are had to detect in managed environments like c#/.net.
basically if u have hard memory pressure (like more than 90% of the system's memory usage) and the process' memory keeps increasing thats a hint
So in order to do memory leak test i need to cook my system at max T-T
Man that's sad
So one more question in .net memory leak can happen from following things right?
1) Expanding static container and never relasing its content
2)Circular refrence
it can be easy if u have virtualization/containerization (is the latter the correct word?) just give the instance only 1gb or less and see how it reacts
Ok i never heared about this will look into that
What 💀 ?
if u think something has a memory leak u can also take memory snapshots before and after invoking the respective code a couple of times and then compare
But see above snapshot i share how i can find something in such a massive app
Any resource to learn this kinda thing
or its trial and error
thats two screenshots of the same snapshot, there isnt much u can see there
and yes, its mostly try and error
T-T i accidently shared same thing so only 1
its just like race conditions, there is no easy way to detect these
c++ is better atleast u know when you allocating somethin -_-
But that language is also nightmarish to deal with
tho i dont know much about c++, but i wouldnt say that.
especially since assignment operator overload is a thing.
isnt something like
making a copy of v1 and its data and stores that reference in v2?
ignore that the namespace and constructor might be wrong, i didnt touch c++ in the last 15 years 😂
here v1 will be pointer
v2 will be also pointer
there was a collection type that did a copy on assignment, im 100% sure of that
well, do they point to the same backing data?
(also arent these references instead of pointers?)
If its this then it will copy
will it copy the reference/pointer or also the backing data?
It will copy in above code
its not a question of if its copying, but what its copying 😂
content of v1
so if i modify the first element of
afterwards, v2
's first element would still be the old value?
would that yield true or false?kk
then it was another collection type that had that weird quirk
anyway i only brought that up to demonstrate that cpp can have sneaky allocations behind the scenes as well 😂
oh so it is indeed the one, it just depends on how u create v1 in first place xD
Without new
So here metadata of vector will be in stack
who ever thought of that difference in behaviour is probably a worse drunkard than me 😂
Anyways I will run that thing on docker and monitor in constraint resources
if something happens I will notify in this thread if i can
Thanks for time and effort everyone, espicially cap5slut
Have a great evening/day :]
well from the provided code u clean up everything as expected, there is nothing left to do there ;p
also how to close this
i dont have permission :/
there is the /close slash command
u dont have permssion iit says