Issue with configuring Auth0 and the "Allowed Callback url"
Hey I've been trying to setup auth0 for a project of mine now for the past few days and I don't have a clue what I'm doing wrong anymore.
The login and logout code are working perfectly, but on
it doesn't ever trigger.
in Auth0's application dashboard, I have set my allowed Callback Urls to https://localhost:7059/callback
, so all should in theory work as far as I understand. (the server is defined to run on port 7059 and is running well thanks to me knowing the login and logout system work.
I've tried to look up for the same issue, and although I have founds lots forum posts on their own website, I still can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.4 Replies
Unknown User•2w ago
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from as far as I can understand their docs, I think the callback is the OIDC
, which I can't override myself as far as I understand
I eventually got a beginning to the functionality that I wanted by using the OnAuthenticationStateChanged
from PersistingRevalidatingAuthenticationStateProvider
Which I can then at a later point use to create a command which creates a user for my database
I just feel frustrated because this feels like such a convoluted workaround to get to the functionality that I wantUnknown User•2w ago
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What's the error from Auth0?