12 Replies
have you set breakpoints to see if those handlers are being called when you make a request to that route?
yep i did
i also tested with a basic endpoint as well
currently im struggling with the /api/contracts/upload endpoint
what does your request look like?
and do both endpoints fail or only the post?
currently the post request, not sure about the get request yet cuz it will be emplty anyways
going by that error message, your issue is not passing along a
header in your requestmaybe you need to take an IFormFile to make swagger happy
if you wrote that curl command by hand, add
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
or -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data"
naah bro, that's auto generated
by the browser ig
then run it in your CLI somewhere to test and see if that is the issue
easiest way to validate
yep, i will do
good idea!
@Sehra @Keswiik
Ig I have got the problem
Now I have to fix it
Have to add iformfile, then turn of anti-forgery and then have to configure a startup.cs