C#6mo ago

Sharing the custom marshalled type across libraries

I followed the guide thoroughly https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/native-interop/tutorial-custom-marshaller and source code is in here https://github.com/dotnet/samples/blob/main/core/interop/source-generation/custom-marshalling/src/custommarshalling/NativeLib.cs so far it works, but things goes south when i try to use the ErrorData outside of host library code used to test it out:
using CustomMarshalling;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling;

namespace CustomMarshalling2
internal partial class NativeLib2
private const string LibName = "nativelib2";

internal static partial void PrintErrorData(ErrorData errorData);

internal static partial ErrorData GetFatalErrorIfNegative(int code);

[return: MarshalUsing(CountElementName = "len")]
internal static partial ErrorData[] GetErrors(int[] codes, int len);

internal static partial void GetErrorCodes(ErrorBuffer buffer, int[] codes);
using CustomMarshalling;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling;

namespace CustomMarshalling2
internal partial class NativeLib2
private const string LibName = "nativelib2";

internal static partial void PrintErrorData(ErrorData errorData);

internal static partial ErrorData GetFatalErrorIfNegative(int code);

[return: MarshalUsing(CountElementName = "len")]
internal static partial ErrorData[] GetErrors(int[] codes, int len);

internal static partial void GetErrorCodes(ErrorBuffer buffer, int[] codes);
PS: unlike the original source code, i've made modification to ErrorData and their marshallers by making everything public just for testing. it generates SYSLIB1051 error error SYSLIB1051: Runtime marshalling must be disabled in this project by applying the 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' to the assembly to enable marshalling this type. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter 'errorData'. (https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/fundamentals/syslib-diagnostics/syslib1051)
Use custom marshallers in source-generated P/Invokes - .NET
Learn how to use the CustomMarshallerAttribute and implement a custom marshaller for use with source generation.
Sample code referenced by the .NET documentation. Contribute to dotnet/samples development by creating an account on GitHub.
3 Replies
WhiteFalconOP6mo ago
1) Library A defines publicly ErrorData and custom marshallers
2) Library A imports native library and uses the ErrorData as arguments/return type, everything compiles fine so far
3) Library B links against A
4) Library B imports another native library(or same) that also uses ErrorData; SYSLIB1051 error is generated
1) Library A defines publicly ErrorData and custom marshallers
2) Library A imports native library and uses the ErrorData as arguments/return type, everything compiles fine so far
3) Library B links against A
4) Library B imports another native library(or same) that also uses ErrorData; SYSLIB1051 error is generated
The error still persists if i removed the NativeMarshalling attribute and manually added MarshalUsing to each argument/return
using CustomMarshalling;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling;

namespace CustomMarshalling2
internal partial class NativeLib2
private const string LibName = "nativelib2";

internal static partial void PrintErrorData([MarshalUsing(typeof(ErrorDataMarshaller))] ErrorData errorData);

[return: MarshalUsing(typeof(ErrorDataMarshaller))]
internal static partial ErrorData GetFatalErrorIfNegative(int code);
using CustomMarshalling;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling;

namespace CustomMarshalling2
internal partial class NativeLib2
private const string LibName = "nativelib2";

internal static partial void PrintErrorData([MarshalUsing(typeof(ErrorDataMarshaller))] ErrorData errorData);

[return: MarshalUsing(typeof(ErrorDataMarshaller))]
internal static partial ErrorData GetFatalErrorIfNegative(int code);
I guess the solution was to disable runtime marshalling with [assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshalling] The issue with such solution for me was that it triggers CA1420: Property, type, or attribute requires runtime marshalling for delegates marked with [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] or any use of Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate with delegates managed types (even if they have NativeMarshaller)
jcotton426mo ago
Function pointers - C# feature specifications
This feature specification describes function pointers, which are unmanaged delegates. They are typically used to avoid the allocations necessary to instantiate a delegate object.
WhiteFalconOP6mo ago
that would restrict me from using the managed types aswell as making the function static, right? thank you for the suggestion, i'll do that

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