C#•7mo ago

Learning how to test API with NUnit and Nsubstitute

I'm trying to work out how to do that, starting with a method that fetches all of the data from the database and saves it to a list (it's async, seems like it's causing a lot of trouble). It's a really tough nut to crack, I'm reading stackoverflow, tried the documentation for NSubstitute but there isn't much there tbh. I'm trying to notice a pattern in the code fragments provided but I don't know. I wasn't able to do much on my own because of conflicting information. I'm pretty sure I got the next part wrong but: The documentation says that for the substitutions I should use an interface, not a class to avoid some weird behaviour. Ok, I can make that to substitue the database context class but the controller constructor doesn't want an interface, only the context class (I'm fully aware this might be a design mistake on my side because I'm the one that made all that lol). It seems that the substitutes need to have their behaviour specified manually but I don't understand that either. One person has told me that I don't really need to test crud if it's not complicated but apart from the API I also have a web app and that definitely needs testing (also implementing error handling) but I wanted to learn on something less intimidating first.
6 Replies
Revenger•7mo ago
If you want to run tests against your database context, you could look into the Repository Pattern: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/testing/testing-without-the-database#:%7E:text=As%20discussed%20in%20the%20testing%20overview%20page%2C%20using%20the%20in%2Dmemory%20provider%20for%20testing%20is%20strongly%20discouraged%3B%20consider%20using%20SQLite%20instead%2C%20or%20implementing%20the%20repository%20patternv Basically you can wrap your database context and use the DB in memory instead, then use it as you would normally 🙂
Testing without your Production Database System - EF Core
Techniques for testing EF Core applications without involving your production database system
KrzakOP•7mo ago
I'll try that out, looks way more friendly. Will this be useful for testing a web app too or is something else used? The API is used by the web app so it looks like it needs a similar technique to provide needed data without asking the real database
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KrzakOP•7mo ago
I have nooo idea what's going on :OhNo:
Revenger•7mo ago
He basically told you what is stated on that blog i sent you, and inserted and opinion on the use of generic repo's. Not sure that you indicated that you where making such interfaces, but whatever 🙂 You can spin up a new instance of your db in memory and execute your tests as you would on a normal DB. If your list is very long you could consider using .skip and .take to page? the results, so you don't send too long a response 🙂 His point whas that you shouldn't make a generic "get" method with a predicate, and instead scope your fetches from the database to the contexts their in. For example a method that explicitly only "getsAllPeople" or whatever from the database. Does that make sense?
Revenger•7mo ago
This explains it a bit more in detail: https://goodjava.org/blog?rec_id=17
Opinion: Stop Using the Generic Repository Pattern
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