C#5mo ago

✅ Better way to set a property using linq?

I have this on a blazor component:
ValueChanged=@( async text => {
protocol.maxIterations = text;
await OnProtocolChanged(protocol);
ValueChanged=@( async text => {
protocol.maxIterations = text;
await OnProtocolChanged(protocol);
to set a property, I had first set the property on the class and then feed that class to the update method. I want to streamline the process to something similar to how EF Core sets a property in ExecuteUpdate:
ValueChanged=@(async text => await OnProtocolChanged(protocol.SetValue(x => x.maxIterations, text)
ValueChanged=@(async text => await OnProtocolChanged(protocol.SetValue(x => x.maxIterations, text)
looks like EF Core uses this SetPropertyCall class: https://github.com/dotnet/efcore/blob/2e9e879746c3a75ad71b1c3732469c25f01bb8c7/src/EFCore/Extensions/EntityFrameworkQueryableExtensions.cs#L3338 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.entityframeworkcore.query.setpropertycalls-1.setproperty?view=efcore-8.0 When I inspected the class on github, I couldn't find anything substantive that I could parse. The best I could do is this:
ValueChanged=@( async text => await OnProtocolChanged(protocol.GetType().GetProperty("Location"), text))
ValueChanged=@( async text => await OnProtocolChanged(protocol.GetType().GetProperty("Location"), text))
SetPropertyCalls.SetProperty Method (Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore....
Specifies a property and corresponding value it should be updated to in ExecuteUpdate method.
efcore/src/EFCore/Extensions/EntityFrameworkQueryableExtensions.cs ...
EF Core is a modern object-database mapper for .NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations. - dotnet/efcore
4 Replies
Joschi5mo ago
Why don't you use two way binding?
SaiyanslayerOP5mo ago
I'm looping through values witha foreach loop, IIRC you can't bind those I'll have to try using a for loop instead now that you mention that.
Joschi5mo ago
You can, but you need to capture the variable in the loop.
foreach(var item in items){
var capturedItem = item;
<Component @bind="capturedItem'/>
foreach(var item in items){
var capturedItem = item;
<Component @bind="capturedItem'/>
SaiyanslayerOP5mo ago
thats awesome, thanks!

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