I need help with an application

In particular im trying to make an application , with a login page , where you need to put a key in , after you press login and it should automatically verify if the key is in a database or not , and depending on case it should tell Valid Key or Invalid key , but i have problem in checking if the key is valid or not , because the key is indeed in the database , but everytime the application says key invalid
6 Replies
carbonia.capitaleOP10mo ago
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carbonia.capitaleOP10mo ago
here you can check the code lmk if i missed something and what i was doing wrong
The Fog from Human Resources
you dont just put your database queries into the app
carbonia.capitaleOP10mo ago
alrigth ill try
The Fog from Human Resources
you need to make it an API note that this also isnt very secure as people could just intercept the request and tell the application the license is valid there are lots of ways to making a key validation
carbonia.capitaleOP10mo ago
alright if there are more secure i would like to know them , could you tell me how to?

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