Durable Functions Not Handling Exceptions Properly in Isolated Model
Hello everyone, my team at work is dealing with an interesting issue and I’d appreciate some insight/workarounds.
We just moved from in-process to the isolated model for our durable functions.
We have a service layer that goes into the activity layer, and then into the durable orchestrator.
The issue we’re having is when an exception gets thrown in the service layer, the original exception(custom or built in to .NET) gets swallowed and lost by the time it throws in the activity/orchestrator layer. Per the framework, it should get wrapped in a TaskFailedException, and the original exception should be present in the inner exception, but it’s not. Instead, there is an AggregateException that has no details for the original exception that was thrown There have been several issues on GitHub related to the issue, but the issue was said to have been fixed.
We updated our packages to the latest version, but are still having the same issue.
Does anybody have any insight as to why this is happening, and has anybody found a decent workaround for this? This is unfortunately blocking our next big release because moving back to the in process model is not an option at this point. Thanks in advance!
Does anybody have any insight as to why this is happening, and has anybody found a decent workaround for this? This is unfortunately blocking our next big release because moving back to the in process model is not an option at this point. Thanks in advance!
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