✅ building nativeaot project with static library still requires library to be copied
i have tried to build nativeaot project with:
and it still requires me to copy dll file, copying makes it work, but i need single executable without any dependency libraries laying around

15 Replies
wait let me check my library again
Does "raylib.lib" actually exist?
great i used shared library instead of static
It's weird that you're trying to both dynamically link and statically link to (presumably) a .dll and a .lib of the same dependency
hmm now i get linking errors
raylib.lib(rcore.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol timeBeginPeriod referenced in function InitTimer [D:\Users\danil\RiderProjects\ConsoleApp34\ConsoleApp34\Console
A quick google later: https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/discussions/3025#discussioncomment-5762131
i'm not sure how to add dependency to linker
I'm going to guess
<NativeLibrary >
yeah works fine now
(I've never used raylib fwiw, just googling around)

thank you
Sweet! Glad it's working
Bleh, looks like the bot's down. Type
if this is solved 🙂