i migrating from sqlserver to mongo db but in login the page throeing an errror ExpressionNotSupport
when i click on the login button it throws me an error ExpressionNotSupportedException: Expression not supported: i.ToClaim().
this is code of the page
11 Replies
Why the downgrade from a proper relational database to a glorified Json file?
migrate back
also, the error means you put calls in your query that mongo can't translate into an actual db query
(and i agree, why are you trying to switch to mongo)
bcs is simplier to use
that's not a good reason tbh
if your data is relational (which it probably is), use a relational database
so sqlserver is good for relational data?
yes, all relational databases are
and with json support becoming common even unstructured data works pretty well
actually i do not like sql overall
sql is unavoidable
i know
okay thanks
Unknown User•9mo ago
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