✅ struggling with basic dictionary and lists....
im practicing on projects by making a libary system
i basically have a list of users. i want to assign each user a bunch of books , so ive made an empty list for each user to act as the key for the dictionary.
i want it so when i type the user name it acts as the key to the dictionary and allow me to add a book to the string list in the dictionary.
but im struggling to put it all together
The lists im using have are shown in the SS, and the relevant section im working on is also shown
4 Replies
You're on the right track! Not a bad idea to use a dictionary either, that can certainly work
there are a few ways you can access a value when you know the key
the most obvious one is by just indexing:
that will however result in errors if there was no match
so when the key is given by a user, I prefer to use .TryGetValue
I’ll give this a try thanks !
Unknown User•7mo ago
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