C#11mo ago

C# interfaces

If anyone could help me with some information or videos on how do I implement graphical interfaces on C# and if the dev app is different from macOS and windows?
4 Replies
koray bey
koray bey11mo ago
you may look up avalonia or WPF though I am a beginner as well.
Buddy11mo ago
WPF is exclusive to Windows Avalonia is cross-platform and great for desktop Just not web nor mobile
I would take a look at .NET MAUI Blazor hybrid, which is cross platform and reactive. If you get in trouble understanding it, deployment/building... i can try help you out with that
Buddy11mo ago
.NET MAUI is horrible A lot of people pray for its downfall, including me It has a ton of issues that just aren't worth the trouble. However, if you target mobile it's your best option .. Sadly. Avalonia uses a single universal app and can compile to both Windows, Linux and MacOS. Also "supports" web and mobile, but they are in beta and somewhat unstable. Avalonia supports NativeAOT unlike WPF, which means no runtime and also memory efficient. The syntax is very similar to WPF so it's easy to get started and with all major IDEs supported, like VSCode, VS, and JetBrains Rider.

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