Why the cats images doesnt show after the 1st one?
Why the cats images doesnt show after the 1st one?
11 Replies
BlazeBin - vkkcnnixsoha
A tool for sharing your source code with the world!
here code
Lovely project.
its tinder style cat choosing app, ut cant fix this issue
I can't help much with your issue but I can tell you that you should stop using Newtonsoft.Json before it becomes an issue
you know anything else i can use?
The default system json class is great
Can do everything Newtonsoft.Json can but kinda better
why is there an
if (_firstCatDisplayed)
I see e.g.
private async void LoadImageFromUrl(string url)
when you call this without await, the program can return prematurely (its async).
maybe you could put in some breakpoints