Not allowed to load local resource image error in browser console
Trying to load an image into a view with the path in the filesystem. I'm storing the images in the wwwroot folder. Is there a way around this error? I read I should set up a HTTP server on my computer but I have no idea how.
9 Replies
How are you trying to load it?
just the src attribute in the img tag
<img src="~/images/cat.png" />
?and it comes from the controller
It's a list of strings each being a pathWhat sort of a path?
it's absolute to my computer
Well that's your issue, then
maps to /
So if your images are in wwwroot/images
use relative paths from /images
ooooh so as far as the app is concerned wwwroot is literally the root of it's filesystem?
it is in the name
Yep lol
is where you place your robots.txt
, favicon.ico
, etc
So they get served from https://mywebsite.tld/favicon.ico