C#3mo ago

Newly added resource cannot be used

In a WinForms project I am adding an image to the Resources.resx file. I am assigning this image to a picture box. It appears in the list that pops up when selecting the background image! As soon as I try to build, I get the error that Properties.Resources.ImageName does not exist. Checking the resx its still there.
5 Replies
Conner3mo ago
pbx_Background.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.status_screen; Error CS0117 'Resources' does not contain a definition for 'status_screen' It is fixable, by manually adding the property to the Resource designer. But that seems unecessarily complicated for just adding a resource I wonder if this is a problem because the designer doesnt get updated correctly?
ffmpeg -i me -f null -
when something like this happens try cleaning and rebuilding, eventually closing and restarting vs, just in case
Conner3mo ago
I did clean and rebuild Ill try to relaunch
ffmpeg -i me -f null -
if it doesn't work then you have either to share parts of the project or try making a reproducible sample
Conner3mo ago
Restarting did not work. I cant really share the project. Dont really have time to make an example as well right now, sorry. My workaround works for now I found the issue. The access midifier was set to (Custom), which idk how that even happened? Setting it to public finally updated the Resources.Designer.cs file