✅ how can i improve this code ?

46 Replies
Joschi9mo ago
MODiX9mo ago
To post C# code type the following: ```cs // code here ``` Get an example by typing $codegif in chat For longer snippets, use: https://paste.mod.gg/
Joschi9mo ago
Also #code-review may be more applicable if you don't have a specific question.
Esa9mo ago
Either channel works fine I think, there's generally a lot to tackle here. I did give you some advice earlier which is still applicable for this block of code.
steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
i know but most of them are formatiing issues , what i mean as i asked in the channel do this code has a performace issues nested do whils can be solved by spliting the code into small methods
Esa9mo ago
It depends™. Performance can be measured in several ways, personally I consider readability a performance index, since that directly affects how long it'll take me to understand and modify a codebase - and therefore it affects developer output. Then there's stuff like cyclomatic complexity (how many different branches are there, such as if-statements, switches, do-while loops etc) as well as time complexity which you mentioned. If you do not agree that readability is a performance index, then you may honestly make the argument that the code you shared is fine as-is.
steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
can you refine this code for me if have time in a way that meke it more readable and do the same functionality i throught that it is like an alternative of the ? because as far as i know ? operator here say that this feild or prop may be null so it has the same function make null checkes ok @Fyren i am refining the code now
Angius9mo ago
I'd at least extract some of those loops into their own methods, and I'd use the initializer for the list instead of calling .Add() a bajillion times Also, your Employee has no constructor but seems to require some of those properties. If so, I'd make them required at least
steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
dont forget that i am a biggener
Angius9mo ago
None of what I mentioned is an advanced topic In fact, VS should suggest using the initializer for the list, and doing that should be as easy as using a quick fix
steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
ok i will fix that
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steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
is that what you mean
public Company()
listEmployees = new List<Employee>()
new Employee { EmployeeId = 1, Name = "Mike", Gender = Gender.Male },
new Employee { EmployeeId = 2, Name = "Pam", Gender = Gender.Female },
new Employee { EmployeeId = 3, Name = "John", Gender = Gender.Male},
new Employee { EmployeeId = 4, Name = "Maxine", Gender = Gender.Female },
new Employee { EmployeeId = 5, Name = "Emiliy", Gender = Gender.Female },
new Employee { EmployeeId = 6, Name = "Scott", Gender = Gender.Male },
new Employee { EmployeeId = 7, Name = "Todd", Gender = Gender.Male },
new Employee { EmployeeId = 8, Name = "Ben", Gender = Gender.Male }
public Company()
listEmployees = new List<Employee>()
new Employee { EmployeeId = 1, Name = "Mike", Gender = Gender.Male },
new Employee { EmployeeId = 2, Name = "Pam", Gender = Gender.Female },
new Employee { EmployeeId = 3, Name = "John", Gender = Gender.Male},
new Employee { EmployeeId = 4, Name = "Maxine", Gender = Gender.Female },
new Employee { EmployeeId = 5, Name = "Emiliy", Gender = Gender.Female },
new Employee { EmployeeId = 6, Name = "Scott", Gender = Gender.Male },
new Employee { EmployeeId = 7, Name = "Todd", Gender = Gender.Male },
new Employee { EmployeeId = 8, Name = "Ben", Gender = Gender.Male }
Angius9mo ago
Yep Could probably even replace new Employee with just new()
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Unknown User9mo ago
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steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
what are the reson of creating a constractor while i have props already ?
Angius9mo ago
Without a constructor and with all properties being optional, you can create a new Employee() It will not have a name, an ID, or a gender You can create a new Employee { Name = "Bob" } without an ID or gender Constructor and/or required properties prevent that
steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
is the required is an attribute
Angius9mo ago
No, it's a keyword public required string Name { get; set; }
steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
is it diffrent than
public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
Angius9mo ago
Yes Attributes are not ran on compile time. This particular one is often used for runtime validation The required keyword will not allow the code to compile if the property is not set
steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
here it is
public class Employee
public required int EmployeeId { get; set; }

public required string? Name { get; set; }

public required Gender Gender { get; set; }

public int salary { get; set; }
public class Employee
public required int EmployeeId { get; set; }

public required string? Name { get; set; }

public required Gender Gender { get; set; }

public int salary { get; set; }
Esa9mo ago
And "record" instead of class, and "init" instead of set 🙂
steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
i take to mush time for refactoring the code to make it readable is that normal for beginners
steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
i finally refactored the code above
steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
I have refactored the code above
Angius9mo ago
Looks fine, at a glance A nitpick, but methods and properties use PascalCase for naming, not camelCase
steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
Ok I will change that all of this code is for trying indexers 😆 But I spent a lot of time to refactor it is that normal for beginner
Angius9mo ago
I'd say so Before you get the feel for how code should be laid out, you will be writing spaghetti and refactoring it
steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
Yes my code is readable now as I was talking in the same thread with @Faryen about code readability But is there are programmers that write refactored code directly without spaghetti
Angius9mo ago
I don't think I've ever written code that I didn't refactor to some degree later Except some tiny one-off toy projects But you get better and better at writing code that needs less and less refactoring And code that is easier to refactor
steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
Ok but this is normal at the beginning
Angius9mo ago
steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
Thank you very much
Esa9mo ago
I'll post an example in a bit on github for you showcasing how I would refactor it
steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
Is the code. Still not readable for you I spent mush time in refactor it an seperate each part in a method
Esa9mo ago
It's readable 🙂 You did a good job. This is just to showcase the next few tips and changes I would make.
steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
BlazeBin - oggyetwtgwxh
A tool for sharing your source code with the world!
Esa9mo ago
Didn't finish it, will do it tomorrow.
steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
No problem thank you
Esa9mo ago
Allright so I mocked up something here: https://github.com/EivindAntonsen/RefactoringExample/blob/refactoring-example/ConsoleApp1/Program.cs This branch is a refactored version of the code you pasted up above. There's probably a lot of different ways to do this, and many ways this can get over-complicated, but this is how I'd think about solving this. * Split classes into their own files. * Changed Company from being an instanced class to a static one. * Kept Employee as a class (like you had it initially, and not a record as I suggested a bit hastily). * Changed some of the do-while loops into while(true) loops with break conditions inside instead. * Removed the accessors in your Company class in favor of more explicit methods with accurate names, to more clearly express the intent of the methods. * Improved error messages for bad user input. Just ask if any of this stuff is unclear. And to anybody else watching, let me know if you disagree with where I've taken the code for any reason, I'm also interested in learning if anybody thinks I've made some poor choices. The main loop happens in line 5-25, everything below that is just methods
Angius9mo ago
Little nitpick, if I may: GetEmployeeIdByUserInput could be shortened a bit with an early return. And converting to string is not needed, we have some nice char helpers
int GetEmployeeIdByUserInput()
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the employee id.");

while (true)
char input = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;

if (char.IsNumber(input))
return char.GetNumericValue(input);

Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid input (must be a numerical value), try again.");
int GetEmployeeIdByUserInput()
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the employee id.");

while (true)
char input = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;

if (char.IsNumber(input))
return char.GetNumericValue(input);

Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid input (must be a numerical value), try again.");
(also, as a side note, it will work only for 10 employees since it uses a char) So probably something like
int GetEmployeeIdByUserInput()
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the employee id.");
int id;
while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out id))
Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid input (must be a numerical value), try again.");
return id;
int GetEmployeeIdByUserInput()
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the employee id.");
int id;
while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out id))
Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid input (must be a numerical value), try again.");
return id;
would be better
Unknown User
Unknown User9mo ago
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Esa9mo ago
@steven preadly make sure you check out this before it gets closed. 🙂 also ty @Angius , it was made with the current constraints in mind, but that was a good point. can fix that.
steven preadly
steven preadlyOP9mo ago
hello thank you for this great refactor that you have made to the code , but i want you to notice that i made this code from the beginning to try indexers syntax , I am now studding it ,that's why i used indexers in my code , of course methods are less complicated than indexers and there are another ways that i can do the same functionality other than using indexers thank you very mush for helping me to refactor the code what dose this means

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