Add sound to audio input
Hi! I have an api that takes an audio from some input, e.g. microphone, and passes it furher to some external device. How can I add some sounds, or modify the sound before its passed to audio port? I need to add some distortion to the audio, like e.g. phone talk with very pool connection. Unfortunately, I can't modify the api
6 Replies
Sounds like you'd want to use a library like NAudio and modify the recording ahead of sending it to the API
The api takes data automatically. I guess I need to just modify the sound that is passed to audio output port. I guess I can do it somehow in NAudio, but some hits would be really useful
So, I ain't a big audio guy, but I just tried around a bit with (in full transparency) AI-generated code
This is the result
So it seems like you can definitely get somewhere pretty quickly