✅ My RESX file still is supposedly invalid
You might remember I have a RESX file that VS refuses to open. Furthermore, the ResXFileCodeGenerator tool also claims it's invalid. I compared it to a RESX that I know works and don't see anything.
Can someone take a look at it. This is what I see in the csproj file.
This issue is starting to hold me back. If you want to try to compile yourself, try https://github.com/ChatZilla-Replacement-Project/Best-Chat/tree/CS0006Debuggin/Code/IRC/Data. Specifically, you'll want to look at https://github.com/ChatZilla-Replacement-Project/BestChat/blob/ChasingMissingMembersFromAXAML/IRC/Data/Rsrcs.resx.
(I know there are other errors. That's stuff I haven't gotten to.)
3 Replies
Well, since there's been no response here, I'm going to see if copying the
tags into a new RESX file helps.
Well, that seems to have worked. Now on to an issue with Avalonia in #gui.$close
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