Will Pittenger
Will Pittenger
Created by Will Pittenger on 11/9/2023 in #help
✅ How to deserialize JSON in .NET when my base class is generic?
I have a concrete class, ClientEventInfo derived from a generic. So I tried to deserialize a JSON file with System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<ClientEventInfo>("url"), but I get System.TypeInitializationException. Seems the generic can't be initialized. Is there a way around it? I don't know what's going on here.
14 replies
Created by Will Pittenger on 11/9/2023 in #help
❔ Can't get root XAML element of UserControl for binding
I have a user control that declares a property that I need to bind properties of its children to. I was trying "{Binding Property, ElementName=window}" for my binding expression. But that seems to fail. It seems user controls don't have a window element. I tried {Binding Property, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=UserControl, AncestorLevel=20}} as well, but that doesn't work either. I don't know why. Can someone help? Technically, UserControl isn't my immediate base class. So I tried the intermediate base class as well, but that didn't work. I also tried the derived class to no avail.
6 replies
Created by Will Pittenger on 11/8/2023 in #help
✅ How do you control which WPF property is the default for that class?
Examine the following XAML:
If SomeClass where derived from System.Windows.Controls.Control, the property being set would be Content. But in other WPF classes, it might be something like Text. How do I specify my class's default property? The only thing I can find is for Windows Forms. Google happily found results for the default value, but I don't need that. I want the second example in the source above to resemble the first. In this case, I am deriving from System.Windows.Controls.UserControl, but as an abstract class. I don't want the derived class setting Content as that would mess up the base class.
3 replies
Created by Will Pittenger on 11/8/2023 in #help
❔ ✅ WPF Class derivation where both classes have XAML pages
Is it OK for base WPF class to have a XAML page and its derived class to also declare one? So we'd have X deriving from Y with the following files existing: x.xaml.cs, x.xaml, y.xaml.cs, and y.xaml.
5 replies
Created by Will Pittenger on 11/6/2023 in #help
✅ Abstract classes as the WPF DesignContext?
Does it matter if the value in d:DesignContext="{d:DesignInstance Type=X}" is an abstract class. I can't get the WPF design to acknowledge my type. I know some of you guys have said not to rely on it, but it does help from time to time and I at least like the design context set. I've tried deleting the bin and obj folders for that project and restarting VS. Didn't help.
d:DataContext="{x:Type d:DesignInstance Type=OurDataCtxt:AbstractConversation}"
d:DataContext="{x:Type d:DesignInstance Type=OurDataCtxt:AbstractConversation}"
Then inside BestChat.Platform.Conversations.dll, we have BestChat.Platform.Conversations.AbstractConversation. Those appear to match to me.
namespace BestChat.Platform.Conversations
public abstract class AbstractConversation
namespace BestChat.Platform.Conversations
public abstract class AbstractConversation
34 replies
Created by Will Pittenger on 11/6/2023 in #help
✅ Null check not enough to safely convert from nullable enum
I have a class declaring an enum and a nullable value for that enum:
public readonly StdModeTypes? smt;
public readonly StdModeTypes? smt;
I then try to reference that field from a second class:
if(cmodeCur.smt != null)
mapModesWithStdTypes[cmodeCur.smt] = cmodeCur;
if(cmodeCur.smt != null)
mapModesWithStdTypes[cmodeCur.smt] = cmodeCur;
Yet even with the null check, the IDE is insisting that smt could be null and won't let me use the value:
Error CS1503 Argument 1: cannot convert from 'BestChat.IRC.Data.Defs.ChanMode.StdModeTypes?' to 'BestChat.IRC.Data.Defs.ChanMode.StdModeTypes'
Error CS1503 Argument 1: cannot convert from 'BestChat.IRC.Data.Defs.ChanMode.StdModeTypes?' to 'BestChat.IRC.Data.Defs.ChanMode.StdModeTypes'
What's going on?
28 replies
Created by Will Pittenger on 11/5/2023 in #help
✅ WPF Custom control should have contents as DockPanel, but it shows up at runtime as ScrollViewer
I have a UserControl I'm implementing with the source shown below. When I check my custom controls Content property, the value is a ScrollViewer. What's going on? I expected a DockPanel.
BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Static ToolBar.ToggleButtonStyleKey}}" />
DockPanel.Dock="Top" />
Background="Black" />
BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Static ToolBar.ToggleButtonStyleKey}}" />
DockPanel.Dock="Top" />
Background="Black" />
9 replies
Created by Will Pittenger on 11/5/2023 in #help
✅ WPF MouseOver expansion of item isn't working
I have a window with a bar that needs to hide down to a separator until the user mouses over it or checks a checkbox (which pins the bar to "open"). However, WPF seems to be claiming if the mouse is over the margin for the separator, it's not over the bar. The code is below.
Height="10" />
Height="{Binding ExtendedToolBarRowTwoHeight, ElementName=window, NotifyOnSourceUpdated=True, NotifyOnTargetUpdated=True}" />
Height="1" />
Height="10" />
Height="{Binding ExtendedToolBarRowTwoHeight, ElementName=window, NotifyOnSourceUpdated=True, NotifyOnTargetUpdated=True}" />
Height="1" />
public System.Windows.GridLength ExtendedToolBarRowTwoHeight
if(gridExtended == null || chkExtendedToolBarShow == null)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Extended: {gridExtended.IsMouseDirectlyOver
}\tCheckbox: {chkExtendedToolBarShow.IsChecked}");
return gridExtended != null && chkExtendedToolBarShow != null && (gridExtended.IsMouseDirectlyOver
|| chkExtendedToolBarShow.IsChecked == true) ? System.Windows.GridLength.Auto : new
public System.Windows.GridLength ExtendedToolBarRowTwoHeight
if(gridExtended == null || chkExtendedToolBarShow == null)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Extended: {gridExtended.IsMouseDirectlyOver
}\tCheckbox: {chkExtendedToolBarShow.IsChecked}");
return gridExtended != null && chkExtendedToolBarShow != null && (gridExtended.IsMouseDirectlyOver
|| chkExtendedToolBarShow.IsChecked == true) ? System.Windows.GridLength.Auto : new
What's going on? It should work so that the bar stays open if the mouse is anywhere over the bar, not just the separator.
16 replies
Created by Will Pittenger on 10/31/2023 in #help
✅ WPF trees with some items that can't be selected
I'm building a UI with a tree view where some items exist only to group children. The tree will function as a kind of vertical tree control. When most items in the tree are selected, I'll show a control next to the tree. But the items that are only groups don't have a control to show. So I don't want to allow their selection. How do I pull that off?
80 replies
Created by Will Pittenger on 10/19/2023 in #help
✅ WPF TreeView only shows icon and only for the root item
have a tree declared with the following XAML and added from code behind a single item for the root. The root item does have children and a name for each item. But nothing appears beyond a single icon. XAML is reporting no binding failures. I've put breakpoints in for the Children, LocalizedName, and LocalizedLongDesc properties, but of those, only Children is called. What's going on?
ItemsSource="{Binding Children}">
ToolTip="{Binding LocalizedLongDesc}">
Text="{Binding Icon}"
VerticalAlignment="Center" />
Content="{Binding LocalizedName}"
VerticalAlignment="Center" />
ItemsSource="{Binding Children}">
ToolTip="{Binding LocalizedLongDesc}">
Text="{Binding Icon}"
VerticalAlignment="Center" />
Content="{Binding LocalizedName}"
VerticalAlignment="Center" />
2 replies
Created by Will Pittenger on 10/17/2023 in #help
✅ VS seems to be ignore .gitignore when adding files to a repository
I was browsing files inside my project's repository Best-Chat (on GitHub). While in there, I noticed files that should've been excluded. These include the .vs folder and all bin and obj folder. Any ideas what's going on?
8 replies
Created by Will Pittenger on 10/16/2023 in #help
✅ Representing an ongoing conversation in XAML and recording it
I'm working on an application in WPF that will show on going conversations much like what you see here. The conversation could go back in history infinitely far back in time (or at least to when it started). I also want to save it to a file. As posts in the conversation get older, it might be worth allowing garbage collection to remove them from memory until the user tries to scroll that far back. I also want a log file for the user to browse and search, if desired, with tools like GREP or PowerShell. Unfortunately, I don't think a human readable format will store enough information. So I may need a JSON log as well that I'd reload conversations from. All this needs to be shown with XAML. If the conversation is too short, I'd like some filler for the space above (below?) the existing posts until the posts fill the window. Any suggestions on how to implement that?
63 replies
Created by Will Pittenger on 10/12/2023 in #help
❔ XDG0031 can't find resource in assembly
I have a pair of derived WPF comboboxes for which I'm getting an error that I can't figure out how to resolve. See below. I suspect the error was from the WPF designer and not a compiler. Can someone explain what I can do? I found nothing on Google.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error XDG0031 Could not find the resource "BestChat.IRC.Data.Defs.NickServOpts.resources" among the resources "BestChat.IRC.Data.Defs.Resources.resources" embedded in the assembly "BestChat.IRC.Data", nor among the resources in any satellite assemblies for the specified culture. Perhaps the resources were embedded with an incorrect name. IRC.Global.View B:\Contents\Best Chat\Code\IRC\Global\View\NetworkEditorDlg.xaml 211
Error XDG0031 Could not find the resource "BestChat.IRC.Data.Defs.ChanServOpts.resources" among the resources "BestChat.IRC.Data.Defs.Resources.resources" embedded in the assembly "BestChat.IRC.Data", nor among the resources in any satellite assemblies for the specified culture. Perhaps the resources were embedded with an incorrect name. IRC.Global.View B:\Contents\Best Chat\Code\IRC\Global\View\NetworkEditorDlg.xaml 231
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error XDG0031 Could not find the resource "BestChat.IRC.Data.Defs.NickServOpts.resources" among the resources "BestChat.IRC.Data.Defs.Resources.resources" embedded in the assembly "BestChat.IRC.Data", nor among the resources in any satellite assemblies for the specified culture. Perhaps the resources were embedded with an incorrect name. IRC.Global.View B:\Contents\Best Chat\Code\IRC\Global\View\NetworkEditorDlg.xaml 211
Error XDG0031 Could not find the resource "BestChat.IRC.Data.Defs.ChanServOpts.resources" among the resources "BestChat.IRC.Data.Defs.Resources.resources" embedded in the assembly "BestChat.IRC.Data", nor among the resources in any satellite assemblies for the specified culture. Perhaps the resources were embedded with an incorrect name. IRC.Global.View B:\Contents\Best Chat\Code\IRC\Global\View\NetworkEditorDlg.xaml 231
2 replies
Created by Will Pittenger on 10/10/2023 in #help
✅ Can someone explain CA1416 about a call site only being reachable on ...
I'm getting the following warning that I don't understand.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Warning CA1416 This call site is reachable on all platforms. 'Network' is only supported on: 'Windows' 7.0 and later. IRC.Global.View B:\Contents\Best Chat\Code\IRC\Global\View\NetworkListDlg.xaml.cs 89 Active
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Warning CA1416 This call site is reachable on all platforms. 'Network' is only supported on: 'Windows' 7.0 and later. IRC.Global.View B:\Contents\Best Chat\Code\IRC\Global\View\NetworkListDlg.xaml.cs 89 Active
Both assemblies involved have the same .NET and Windows versions specified. I keep checking that.
114 replies
Created by Will Pittenger on 10/7/2023 in #help
✅ How do I specify custom base class for user control?
I declared a custom base class derived from UserControl. Now in a second assembly, I need to derive from that. The base class doesn't provide a XAML page. Instead, the derived class would. So MyCtrl is derived from MyCtrlBase which in turn derives from UserControl. How do I specify that in the XAML? I tried the following, but it didn't work. Seems the designer doesn't see my custom base class.
Can someone tell me what I need to change?
2 replies
Created by Will Pittenger on 10/7/2023 in #help
✅ My solution contains absolute paths to projects inside the solution folder
I have a solution where all the projects are inside the solution's folder. But VS Community 2022 insists on writing their location in the solution file and other project files as absolute paths. Now when I check everything into Git, VS doesn't upload the projects that it was using absolute paths for. What can I do?
4 replies
Created by Will Pittenger on 10/6/2023 in #help
❔ WPF Binding to collection in static instance not updating list
I have a collection in a static member of a class that's being changed. It should be firing PropertyChanged for the property shown below. But the list never updates.
dgPredefined.SetBinding(System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl.ItemsSourceProperty, new System
Source = Data.NetworkMgr.mgr,
NotifyOnTargetUpdated = true,
dgPredefined.SetBinding(System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl.ItemsSourceProperty, new System
Source = Data.NetworkMgr.mgr,
NotifyOnTargetUpdated = true,
The original plan was to declare it in the XAML, but I haven't figured out the equivalent syntax. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I tried both NotifyOnTargetUpdated as shown above and NotifyOnSourceUpdated. My orignal impression was the latter is for when the control needs to be notified the source has changed. But after reading the documentation, it looks like it's the other way around. With Data.NetworkMgr.mgr, Data is a namespace, NetworkMgr is a class, and mgr is the static instance of Data.NetworkMgr.
16 replies
Created by Will Pittenger on 10/6/2023 in #help
❔ DataGrid hyperlink cells without a Navigation Window
My dialog isn't a Navigation Window. But it does have two DataGrid instances each of which has DataGridHyperLinkColumn. Since I don't have the navigation window, how do I handle the hyperlink's Click event?
2 replies
Created by Will Pittenger on 10/3/2023 in #help
❔ Does System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer allow members to be serialized or do I need properties?
The problem is that my properties commonly have set accessors that do things like mark the item dirty. You can't have a property with both set and init, or am I misunderstanding something?
36 replies
Created by Will Pittenger on 10/3/2023 in #help
❔ d:DesignInstance errors on my forms' root element
I have some in my WPF forms (two of them). It's spitting out some errors that look like bogus. Can someone look at them and tell me what's going on?
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error XDG0008 The name "UserNetwork" does not exist in the namespace "clr-namespace:BestChat.IRC.Global.ViewModel". IRC.Global.View B:\Contents\Best Chat\Code\IRC\Global\View\NetworkEditorDlg.xaml 13
Error XDG0023 A null or zero length string does not represent a valid Type. IRC.Global.View B:\Contents\Best Chat\Code\IRC\Global\View\NetworkEditorDlg.xaml 13
Error XLS0419 Undefined CLR namespace. The 'clr-namespace' URI refers to a namespace 'BestChat.IRC.Global.ViewModel' that could not be found. IRC.Global.View B:\Contents\Best Chat\Code\IRC\Global\View\ServerDomainEditorDlg.xaml 10
Error XDG0008 The name "ServerInfo" does not exist in the namespace "clr-namespace:BestChat.IRC.Global.ViewModel". IRC.Global.View B:\Contents\Best Chat\Code\IRC\Global\View\ServerDomainEditorDlg.xaml 11
Error XDG0023 A null or zero length string does not represent a valid Type. IRC.Global.View B:\Contents\Best Chat\Code\IRC\Global\View\ServerDomainEditorDlg.xaml 11
Warning XLS1107 Design instance type 'ViewModel:UserNetwork' not found IRC.Global.View B:\Contents\Best Chat\Code\IRC\Global\View\NetworkEditorDlg.xaml 13
Warning XLS1107 Design instance type 'ViewModel:ServerInfo' not found IRC.Global.View B:\Contents\Best Chat\Code\IRC\Global\View\ServerDomainEditorDlg.xaml 11
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error XDG0008 The name "UserNetwork" does not exist in the namespace "clr-namespace:BestChat.IRC.Global.ViewModel". IRC.Global.View B:\Contents\Best Chat\Code\IRC\Global\View\NetworkEditorDlg.xaml 13
Error XDG0023 A null or zero length string does not represent a valid Type. IRC.Global.View B:\Contents\Best Chat\Code\IRC\Global\View\NetworkEditorDlg.xaml 13
Error XLS0419 Undefined CLR namespace. The 'clr-namespace' URI refers to a namespace 'BestChat.IRC.Global.ViewModel' that could not be found. IRC.Global.View B:\Contents\Best Chat\Code\IRC\Global\View\ServerDomainEditorDlg.xaml 10
Error XDG0008 The name "ServerInfo" does not exist in the namespace "clr-namespace:BestChat.IRC.Global.ViewModel". IRC.Global.View B:\Contents\Best Chat\Code\IRC\Global\View\ServerDomainEditorDlg.xaml 11
Error XDG0023 A null or zero length string does not represent a valid Type. IRC.Global.View B:\Contents\Best Chat\Code\IRC\Global\View\ServerDomainEditorDlg.xaml 11
Warning XLS1107 Design instance type 'ViewModel:UserNetwork' not found IRC.Global.View B:\Contents\Best Chat\Code\IRC\Global\View\NetworkEditorDlg.xaml 13
Warning XLS1107 Design instance type 'ViewModel:ServerInfo' not found IRC.Global.View B:\Contents\Best Chat\Code\IRC\Global\View\ServerDomainEditorDlg.xaml 11
Here's a sample of the source: d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance Type=ViewModel:UserNetwork}".
19 replies