20 Replies
When I try to execute that Query I've this error.
The table "Joueur" doesn't exist but when I do a .schema in my DB file, the table exist
What's the issue?
The connection string point to the good file
What is the casing of Joeur?
Player in french
Also the schema
.schema is an internal command in SQlite
To see the currents tables
Casing like, is it "Joeur", "JOEUR", "joeur"
I verified that
What is the schema where the table is located?
Have you tried [schema].Joeur?
what's the actual connection string
@"Data Source=C:\Users\Utilisateur\source\repos\DiscordBotIEN\IENDB.sqlite, Version=3"
if it's a relative path there's a very good chance you're opening a different file than you think you are
That's the schema
in-memory db? hmm, nvm
That's a sqlite file located in my project
When I execute my query in Sqlite itself, it works
Note that your database must exist in bin/debug or bin/release
depending on your config
AKA the current working directory
not with an absolute path
Oh it was absolute, my bad
i have seen things like one tool creating the database with a WAL file and the C# code not reading it leading to wrong data
is there just the .sqlite file or are there other db-related files there too?
I mean you can try with relative path and just copy the db to output option in properties of the db file
just that DB
Same error with a relative path
The exception throw when we reach the using with the reader