a coding witch
a coding witch
Created by a coding witch on 1/2/2024 in #help
does dotnet install powershell work in linux?
14 replies
Created by a coding witch on 12/24/2023 in #help
Pointers in C#
Does someone know where I can find pointer documentation for C#? I have int** and I want to initialize it with 3 int* but not sure how Apparently is different from C
3 replies
Created by a coding witch on 12/22/2023 in #help
Is there is an easy way to compile and run C# through roslyn without injecting .NET Core library?
19 replies
Created by a coding witch on 1/23/2023 in #help
✅ How to get PowerShell exit code error number meaning?
Currently my last exit code is -1073741515 but without output. Does anyone know how to get the details about that code?
17 replies
Created by a coding witch on 1/23/2023 in #help
✅ Rust: how to use diesel without diesel cli?
19 replies
Created by a coding witch on 12/18/2022 in #help
✅ Help in 2d matrix
var lines = Enumerable.Repeat(1, 4).ToArray();
var columns = Enumerable.Repeat(lines, 4).ToList();
columns[0][0] = 2;

var lines = Enumerable.Repeat(1, 4).ToArray();
var columns = Enumerable.Repeat(lines, 4).ToList();
columns[0][0] = 2;

Why does it changes all the inner arrays instead of the first one kekw
42 replies
Created by a coding witch on 11/21/2022 in #help
❔ How to upload a MemoryStream as form file in a web request?
I'm trying out how to use HttpClient.PostAsync to send a Form with a file. But I want this file to be a MemoryStream and not an actual file from my files. How do I do this?
2 replies
Created by a coding witch on 10/14/2022 in #help
does JsonPropertyName works for deserialization?
or just for serialization?
2 replies
Created by a coding witch on 10/9/2022 in #help
Does API manual nuget downloads come with the package dependencies?
152 replies