✅ How to get PowerShell exit code error number meaning?
Currently my last exit code is -1073741515 but without output. Does anyone know how to get the details about that code?
11 Replies
Google it...?
Or like, do you specifically want to display the info? So in the console or whatever you're building?
Already did
stop harassing me
forgot my existence
So if you googled you should have found that the error code means that a DLL could not be found
tried all the possible combinations

REPL Result: Success
Result: string
Compile: 440.178ms | Execution: 33.682ms | React with ❌ to remove this embed.
REPL Result: Success
Result: string
Compile: 415.865ms | Execution: 33.459ms | React with ❌ to remove this embed.
That's the one
the error
Error codes are in hex