✅ Kubernetes Secret-provider to env variables
I have succesfully set my secrets form my secretsprovider class into my service, problem is, they are in the wrong place

6 Replies
im new to kubernetes and azure and I need some direction on what I can use to map my secrets to my C# application
I have already looked a bit at configmaps, but I dont know how they work exactly and how I can implement it while also getting my secrets from my keyvault
What do you mean by wrong place? Where should they be instead?
I would preferibly would have all of them in my appsettings.json as a json instead of each having their own separate file
Changing the path is no issue, just getting them from all separate files into one singular appsettings file (or env if that would work as well) is what I'm struggling with
not sure if you really need the azure key store for something like logging levels
Yeah, I don't need to put those in there, but I do however need my git secrets :/
well, not sure if there's any good way to transform multiple secrets into an appsettings.json file