C#2mo ago

Getting the typeof this to use in a generic method

I have a class with a method that requires a different class that has a generic method. How can I get the type of the first class to pass into the generic method?
public class Foo
void GenericMethod<T> () {}

public class Bar
void Pass (Foo foo)
// I want to get Bar to use as T but I'm unsure how to search for this problem and this doesn't work.
Type T = this.GetType();
public class Foo
void GenericMethod<T> () {}

public class Bar
void Pass (Foo foo)
// I want to get Bar to use as T but I'm unsure how to search for this problem and this doesn't work.
Type T = this.GetType();
7 Replies
sibber2mo ago
Holipop2mo ago
If I have any class that extends Bar, will they have to override the method to pass their own type in or no? like if I had.. class Thing : Bar for context, I want Bar to be an abstract class and for anything that inherits it to have Pass work
sibber2mo ago
ah generally the solution for that is this:
public class Bar<T> where T : Bar<T>
bla bla
public class Bar<T> where T : Bar<T>
bla bla
its not a perfect solution since you could pass another T that inherits bar but its the best you can do in C# for now
Holipop2mo ago
Gotcha gotcha, thank you lots!
sibber2mo ago
np $close
MODiX2mo ago
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SleepWellPupper2mo ago
The pattern is called CRTP if you want to read more about it.
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