6 Replies
When you ask a question, make sure you include as much detail as possible. Such as code, the issue you are facing, what you expect the result to be, what .NET version you are using and what platform/environment (if any) are relevant to your question. Upload code here https://paste.mod.gg/, save, and copy the link into chat for others to see your shared code! (see $code for more information on how to paste your code)
Skip the .NET version one and I know it's Unity so you can skip the platform/environment
idk how to do that ngl im dumb
i just started so i used old code from when i used to do it a lot
ok? still doesn't answer their question. We need to know what its supposed to be doing and what it is actually doing. Give us some context besides a screenshot and "pls help".
Unknown User•5mo ago
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