C#•9mo ago

new to c#! not too sure why i can't call my method from class

hello! very much new to C# and i've been trying out on how to use constructors in a new class and i can't seem to understand the issue here? although the error is displayed to me but i'm still confused and don't exactly understand as well (i've only learned c# a week or two) this is my class
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8 Replies
kavOP•9mo ago
and this is the program's
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kavOP•9mo ago
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kavOP•9mo ago
i thought value is given in num1 and num2 in program and it should call the method to do the calculation?
Shawn•9mo ago
- Your Addition method is taking two parameters, which happened to be named the same as your private fields, but are distinct values. Because you named the parameters the same, they're taking precedence over your private fields, causing confusion. If you want to add your two private fields together, you'd just do so, with no parameters for your Addition method. - If it is the case that you want to add the private fields together, you wouldn't call Class.Method() - that would be for a static method, not an instance method. Instead, you'd call instance.Method(), as in calc1.Addition() in this case
Pobiega•9mo ago
@kav Shawn here hit the nail on the head - you've confused static methods with instance methods. Give it a try and if you need further guidance, feel free to ask 🙂
Buddy•9mo ago
MODiX•9mo ago
In C#, static allows you to have members (classes, methods, etc) that are not tied to any particular instance and are therefore always, globally, accessible. When applying static members, take the following considerations: • If there are to be multiple instances of a class, do not use static • If you need to track state, do not use static • If you are going to have multi threaded workflows, do not use static unless you're aware of the caveats static is best used for stateless methods, extension methods/classes and in areas where you understand the pros/cons. Read more here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/static
kavOP•9mo ago
thank you so much guys!! helped a lot

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