C#10mo ago

website problem: update and permmisson

I have a website code in C# and html, the code is in Visual Studies 2022. the update problem is whenever if your logged in or not it lets you go the update page even when u dont have anything to update. permission is i want to let only logged-in members to enter some pages but nothing I tried worked. I think the problem might be because I have a topnav bar to each page the any member in the website can enter but idk if you think you could help me send a messge here and I send the codes need to
13 Replies
Angius10mo ago
If you're using Identity, then [Authorize] attribute on the page/action/controller/whatever will restrict it tologged-in users only Also, Visual Studio 2022 is the IDE It has a grand total of 0 (zero) effect on your project Knowing the .NET and C# version would be useful information, though
NodalsOP10mo ago
I did try the [Authorize] way but i could be just wrting it worng sense it wont work but also not show me any erorrs too atm Im just learining the information because im stil new at this
Angius10mo ago
Well then, show some code Tell us what's the C# and .NET version The basic info
NodalsOP10mo ago
this is the 1 of the 2 pages behind code the i want to only give logged in users to enter: if(Request.IsAuthenticated == true ) { } else { Response.Redirect(Request.Url.ToString()); } this is the other second behind code: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (Session["status"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Error.aspx"); } } this is the update page : protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string filname = "MyDB.mdf"; string select = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE usern ='" + Session["status"].ToString() + "'"; DataTable table = MyAdoHelper.ExecuteDataTable(filname, select); int len = table.Rows.Count; if (len > 0) { globalusername = table.Rows[0]["usern"].ToString(); globalpassword = table.Rows[0]["userpass"].ToString(); } if (Request.Form["updateuser"] != null)//did you update? { string umameupdate = Request.Form["uname"].ToString(); string passwordupdate = Request.Form["upass"].ToString(); string updateq = "UPDATE users SET "; updateq += "usern='" + umameupdate + "'"; updateq += ",userpass='" + passwordupdate + "'"; updateq += "WHERE usern='" + Session["status"].ToString() + "'"; MyAdoHelper.DoQuery(filname, updateq); Response.Write("Update!"); Response.Redirect("HomePage.aspx"); } } all of them are written is webform.aspx and in each page there is a topnav to connect them
Angius10mo ago
MODiX10mo ago
To post C# code type the following: ```cs // code here ``` Get an example by typing $codegif in chat For longer snippets, use: https://paste.mod.gg/
Angius10mo ago
Also, oof Seems you're not using Identity, or even EF for that matter, so [Authorize] won't do anything Also, it seems to be some 1999 Webforms project So I will not be able to help, unfortunately I was never much of an archeologist Or a necromancer, really, at this point
NodalsOP10mo ago
oh man well thanks for the help anyway. it pretty much is filled with a bunch of webforms conncted to each other
Angius10mo ago
Is this a school/work project, out of curiosity?
NodalsOP10mo ago
yeah it is
Angius10mo ago
Ah, rip
NodalsOP10mo ago
yeah lol
exixt10mo ago
a quick pointer get to fixing that super glorious sql injection prone code immediately oh school project, nevermind. I guess everything goes my condolences

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