C#4mo ago

Manage small university project

I’m working on a small program to track gym exercises using WPF with two windows. I’d appreciate any advice or suggestions from experienced developers to help improve my project.
12 Replies
ero4mo ago
Well, my advice is to get something done and then ask a specific question with code and context so that people can give more specialized help
BananasOP4mo ago
i just want to make questions i dont want to let my project be done by other, i just want to learn 😭
canton74mo ago
I'm not sure what I could say that would be helpful. "Improve" means starting from a baseline, and I don't know what that baseline is
BananasOP4mo ago
begginer i know whats is an event for example i dont know how to implements
canton74mo ago
It's much, much easier to look at some code and point out how it could be improved
BananasOP4mo ago
do u want my code? the problem is that im from spain first of all, one friend suggested me to create the architecture of the project i dont know whats he mean
Joschi4mo ago
Don't worry about something like that as a beginner. Just try to write down what you want your app to do and get started. Don't worry about the "correct" way of doing it, just try to get something working.
BananasOP4mo ago
should i use chatgpt?
Joschi4mo ago
No! You won't be able to distinguish between it giving good advice and it hallucinating.
BananasOP4mo ago
i know about programming my main problema is that i understand the logic but i dont know to apply
Bouwer4mo ago
Well, you want to make a project with two windows, so figure out how to code to create a window. Then go from there to the next step and keep building on it Later on you may figure that the way you set up the architecture had flaws, so you could restructure it
SteveTheMadLad4mo ago
Not trying to be snarky or condescending, but when asking questions about programming, people expect you to: - try to implement what you're after - when something fails, do you own research (including looking at StackOverflow answers and reading the documentation—a good idea no matter what, because if you don't you might gloss over some really important remarks detailing behavior you would otherwise not know about) - when your own research is fruitless, post But when you do post, make sure you take your time and craft a good question.
Hi, I'm trying to do X because I need to do ABC, and here's how I tried to do it:
public void Foo()
// [some piece of code]
// ... <- here I would expect the value of bar to be 1 and not 2, or
// ... <- InvalidOperationException is thrown here
public void Foo()
// [some piece of code]
// ... <- here I would expect the value of bar to be 1 and not 2, or
// ... <- InvalidOperationException is thrown here
Instead of doing X it does Y/an exception is thrown at line 42, what am I doing wrong? If I try doing Z/commenting out these lines of code it works as intended. According to the docs at https://example.com/learn/thing, this should work.
As an example, you mention you know what events are but not how to implement them (but really, when it comes to events you talk about subscribing/unsubscribing from them, if you want to use the correct lingo). What exactly is not clear when you read this page of the documentation? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/events/how-to-subscribe-to-and-unsubscribe-from-events If what you're after is a code review for a larger chunk of code, there's the #code-review channel and other places on the Internet. But I doubt that's your case, since you don't seem to know how to handle events yet, so by definition you don't have a finished/semi-finished piece of code to show. Lastly, remember that when you ask for help on the Internet you're asking for people to spend some of their free time on you. Help them help you, or it's going to be frustrating for everyone involved.
How to subscribe to and unsubscribe from events - C#
Learn how to subscribe to and unsubscribe from events. Subscribe to events using the Visual Studio IDE, programmatically, or using an anonymous method.

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