C#3mo ago

✅ I can't understand

int[] array1 = new int[4]; array1[0] = 1; array1[1] = 4; array1[2] = 8; array1[3] = 3; int[] array2 = new int[4]; array2[0] = 4; array2[1] = 12; array2[2] = 7; array2[3] = 4; int[] array3 = new int[3]; for (int i = 0; i < array1.Length; i++) { array3[i] = array1[i] + array2[array2.Length - 1 - i]; Console.WriteLine(array3[i]); } i was given assignment and this for function is basically the answer that i couldnt do and made chatgpt make it, can someone explain to me how does the code inside for function work? (i was assigned to make for function sum up the first and last, second and third, etc element of array1 and array2)
24 Replies
Jimmacle3mo ago
what's the first part that confuses you?
bangerOP3mo ago
array2[array2.Length - 1 - i]; what happens here
Jimmacle3mo ago
try to break it down, what would array2.Length - 1 be?
bangerOP3mo ago
it would be array2[2] in this case?
Jimmacle3mo ago
array2.Length is 4 int[] array2 = new int[4]; but in general, array.Length - 1 will give you the index of the last element in the array
bangerOP3mo ago
i thought it was giving you the element before the last one
Jimmacle3mo ago
look at this part
int[] array2 = new int[4];
array2[0] = 4;
array2[1] = 12;
array2[2] = 7;
array2[3] = 4;
int[] array2 = new int[4];
array2[0] = 4;
array2[1] = 12;
array2[2] = 7;
array2[3] = 4;
there are 4 elements, but the index only goes up to 3 because the first one is 0
bangerOP3mo ago
I do understand it now, because I thought that array2.Length would be 3 so 3-1 was getting me confused thanks sir
MODiX3mo ago
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bangerOP3mo ago
is there any reason why this code does not work?
int[] array1 = new int[4];
array1[0] = 45;
array1[1] = 7;
array1[2] = 3;
array1[3] = 8;

int[] array2 = new int[4];
array2[0] = 3;
array2[1] = 33;
array2[2] = 7;
array2[3] = 12;

int[] array3 = new int[4];

for (int i = 0; i < array1.Length; i++)
array3[i] = array1[i] + array2[array2.Length - 1 - i];
int[] array1 = new int[4];
array1[0] = 45;
array1[1] = 7;
array1[2] = 3;
array1[3] = 8;

int[] array2 = new int[4];
array2[0] = 3;
array2[1] = 33;
array2[2] = 7;
array2[3] = 12;

int[] array3 = new int[4];

for (int i = 0; i < array1.Length; i++)
array3[i] = array1[i] + array2[array2.Length - 1 - i];
it just does not work
bangerOP3mo ago
it just gives me this output which does not make sense, its like the output of the code i typed before
No description
bangerOP3mo ago
Jimmacle3mo ago
you have compilation errors in your code, which means the code that's running isn't the code you have it looks like you tried to add another file to your project with a different program in it, which doesn't work
bangerOP3mo ago
how can i fix it
Jimmacle3mo ago
you should only have Program.cs
bangerOP3mo ago
No description
bangerOP3mo ago
i started whole new paper and now i get this error
TeaBiscuits3mo ago
Have you Googled that error ?
Jimmacle3mo ago
you created the project incorrectly, the error says what you did wrong
bangerOP3mo ago
damn i finally fixed everything it took me like 20 minutes to fix such a simple code that i had errors not connected to the code at all thanks jimacle
TeaBiscuits3mo ago
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bangerOP3mo ago
alright thanks
TeaBiscuits3mo ago
If you're taking things straight from ChatGPT I really recommend trying to understand every line that it's spitting out. You can ask ChatGPT to explain everything line by line And if you still don't understand it try to reference C# documents
bangerOP3mo ago
okay thanks for the tips

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