Seeing error MC3074: The tag does not exist in XML namespace when building my project
HI all,
I've got an older .NET Framework 4.8 WPF project that I'm upgrading to .NET 8. However, after upgrading the project and fixing some other errors, I'm stuck seeing errors where Visual Studio says it can't find classes that are being referenced in my XAML in the current namespace even though they're in the project's default namespace. Not sure why the compiler can't locate them. Here's an example of the full error:
error MC3074: The tag 'ViewModelLocator' does not exist in XML namespace
That class definitely exists in the namespace where it's referenced. Has anyone seen this in projects they've converted to .NET 8? I've seen a couple of posts on StackOverflow that suggest making sure all of my referenced dependencies are .NET 8. And I've done that. It didn't help though. Not sure what else to try at this point.
Thanks in advance!
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