Refactoring objects issue

So a long long time ago i implemented Objects and how they are set in a very stupid way, which i am now correcting by adapting them to be compatible with the default JSON Serializer and bringing the code to overall more structure by following C# conventions more My issue I want to structure the following object (shown in the screenshot) to use [JsonPropertyName] and such instead of the constructor with a JObject (from Newtonsoft JSON), which would be no problem, however, as you can see some values use a different key (for example ndcId is in "o":{"ndcId":0000}) while others are more nested (like "o":{"chatmessage":{"content"}}) What would be the proper approach to serialize them with the default serializer while keeping them in the same class as i dont want to split up my class for every branch of "o"
18 Replies
Pobiega2mo ago
You would turn it into a two-step process. Deserialize to a model that matches the JSON (several records), then map to a model with a flat structure the way you want it
Somgör from Human Resources
Do you have any examples of that? I don't quite understand
Pobiega2mo ago
Make classes that one-to-one reflect the JSON structure Deserialize to that
Somgör from Human Resources
But isn't that just creating like 3 classes for one object?
Pobiega2mo ago
Then, make a mapping method/constructor like above, that turns that nested structure into a flat structure as you want { means object in json
Pobiega2mo ago
You have more than one object here
Somgör from Human Resources
:SCcrying: Is there any other way.
Pobiega2mo ago
Any other way would be a hack ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Somgör from Human Resources
What if I just deserialize it into an object from "o"/"chatMessage"
Pobiega2mo ago
I don't understand
Somgör from Human Resources
Like Instead of passing the whole JSON, I make the root point "o"/"chatMessage" so it can deserialize from there
Pobiega2mo ago
Somgör from Human Resources
Would that also be a hack.
Pobiega2mo ago
Not really?
Somgör from Human Resources
I really don't need the _type value it's more used in the socket that checks the value So I can safely skip it
Pobiega2mo ago
If you change the JSON structure, your deserializarion types reflect that change But how would you extract the o/chatMessage without deserializing the JSON? Anyways, gonna sleep. Nn
Somgör from Human Resources
There's some way to get JSON from a specific JSON key in the default serializer Good night
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