C#3mo ago

✅ EF Core doesn't stop tracking list items.

Trying to edit an office entity and this works great for everything, except when the editedOffice passes less salesPerson ID's then there were before. If there are less id's it should remove them from the list inside the db aswell, currently it's not doing that. It is however adding new ones correctly when you pass more ids that werent there before.
public async Task<OfficeDTO?> EditOfficeAsync(OfficeEditDTO editedOffice)
var office = await dbContext.Offices.Include(o => o.Address)
.Include(o => o.SalesPeople)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(o => o.Id == editedOffice.Id);

if (office == null)
return null;

var selectedSalesPeopleIds = office.SalesPeople.Select(o => o.Id).ToList();

if (editedOffice.Name != null)
office.Name = editedOffice.Name;

if(editedOffice.Address != null)
public async Task<OfficeDTO?> EditOfficeAsync(OfficeEditDTO editedOffice)
var office = await dbContext.Offices.Include(o => o.Address)
.Include(o => o.SalesPeople)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(o => o.Id == editedOffice.Id);

if (office == null)
return null;

var selectedSalesPeopleIds = office.SalesPeople.Select(o => o.Id).ToList();

if (editedOffice.Name != null)
office.Name = editedOffice.Name;

if(editedOffice.Address != null)
31 Replies
Jiry_XDOP3mo ago
if (editedOffice.Address.AddressLine != null)
office.Address.AddressLine = editedOffice.Address.AddressLine;

if (editedOffice.Address.PostalCode != null)
office.Address.PostalCode = editedOffice.Address.PostalCode;

if (editedOffice.Address.City != null)
office.Address.City = editedOffice.Address.City;

if (editedOffice.Address.Country != null)
office.Address.Country = editedOffice.Address.Country;

if (!new HashSet<int>(editedOffice.SalesPeopleIds).SetEquals(selectedSalesPeopleIds))
office.ReplaceSalesPeople(await dbContext.SalesPeople.Where(s => editedOffice.SalesPeopleIds.Contains(s.Id)).ToListAsync());

await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

return new OfficeDTO(
new AddressDTO(
office.SalesPeople.Select(s => new SalesPersonDTO(s.Id, s.Name)).ToList()
if (editedOffice.Address.AddressLine != null)
office.Address.AddressLine = editedOffice.Address.AddressLine;

if (editedOffice.Address.PostalCode != null)
office.Address.PostalCode = editedOffice.Address.PostalCode;

if (editedOffice.Address.City != null)
office.Address.City = editedOffice.Address.City;

if (editedOffice.Address.Country != null)
office.Address.Country = editedOffice.Address.Country;

if (!new HashSet<int>(editedOffice.SalesPeopleIds).SetEquals(selectedSalesPeopleIds))
office.ReplaceSalesPeople(await dbContext.SalesPeople.Where(s => editedOffice.SalesPeopleIds.Contains(s.Id)).ToListAsync());

await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

return new OfficeDTO(
new AddressDTO(
office.SalesPeople.Select(s => new SalesPersonDTO(s.Id, s.Name)).ToList()
In office:
private List<SalesPerson> _salesPeople = [];

public IReadOnlyCollection<SalesPerson> SalesPeople
get => _salesPeople.AsReadOnly();
init => _salesPeople = Guard.Against.NoDuplicatesAndNotNull(value).ToList();

public void ReplaceSalesPeople(IEnumerable<SalesPerson> salesPeople)


private List<SalesPerson> _salesPeople = [];

public IReadOnlyCollection<SalesPerson> SalesPeople
get => _salesPeople.AsReadOnly();
init => _salesPeople = Guard.Against.NoDuplicatesAndNotNull(value).ToList();

public void ReplaceSalesPeople(IEnumerable<SalesPerson> salesPeople)


When debugging I can see it gets replaced correctly in office but savechangesasync doesnt remove the item from the list? I even tried to set them to null and that doesn't work?
public void ReplaceSalesPeople(IEnumerable<SalesPerson> salesPeople)

var salesPeopleToRemove = _salesPeople.Where(s => !salesPeople.Any(ns => ns.Id == s.Id)).ToList();

foreach (var salesPerson in salesPeopleToRemove)
salesPerson.Office = null;

public void ReplaceSalesPeople(IEnumerable<SalesPerson> salesPeople)

var salesPeopleToRemove = _salesPeople.Where(s => !salesPeople.Any(ns => ns.Id == s.Id)).ToList();

foreach (var salesPerson in salesPeopleToRemove)
salesPerson.Office = null;

Keswiik3mo ago
Are you re-using the same DB context for all of these operations?
Jiry_XDOP3mo ago
Yes I am dbContext
Keswiik3mo ago
And what type of application is this? API? some kind of native app? Are these modifications all done in one request or is this something that could be spaced out over some time? Because in general you're supposed to treat a DbContext as a single unit of work. Basically reuse the same context for the lifetime of a request, then throw it away. They're not meant to be singletons that are reused over the lifetime of an application.
Jiry_XDOP3mo ago
ASP .NET CORE Controller Rest API Yes this is one request the specified code above is the service layer Except the office mentioned that is inside the domain layer (entity class)
Keswiik3mo ago
ok, wanted to make sure it wasn't anything getting wonky with singleton dbcontext or something
Jiry_XDOP3mo ago
Oh no don't worry the dbContext is done properly via DI I think I've found something
new() { Name = "Timmie Janssens", Office=null},
new() { Name = "Timmie Janssens", Office=null},
I just tried to seed a salesperson without an office it might just be my migrations not allowing null... But I don't get why its not throwing an error there then
Keswiik3mo ago
what does your SalesPerson entity look like?
Jiry_XDOP3mo ago
public class SalesPerson : Entity
public required string Name { get; set; }
public int OfficeId { get; set; }
public Office? Office { get; set; }
public class SalesPerson : Entity
public required string Name { get; set; }
public int OfficeId { get; set; }
public Office? Office { get; set; }
Keswiik3mo ago
ya you probably want OfficeId to be an int? so EF realizes that it's nullable
Jiry_XDOP3mo ago
Gotcha its not enough to set Office nullable? I thought ef would infer that 😅
Keswiik3mo ago
well, you don't have to load nav properties so a nav property being nullable doesn't necessarily mean the relationship is nullable and since you've specified OfficeId I'm going to assume EF sees that, sees it's a non-nullable FK, and uses that to build the relationship but you not getting an exception makes me think EF isn't detecting the removal or isn't properly tracking values i never write my entities with IReadOnlyCollection<> and backing fields so I'm not sure if that could be causing issues
Jiry_XDOP3mo ago
Okay that seems to have worked
Keswiik3mo ago
Jiry_XDOP3mo ago
Its now removing it correctly Yeah that's one odd thing Its probably because of the IReadOnlyCollection no?
Keswiik3mo ago
it could be, but I've never used backing fields for nav properties
Jiry_XDOP3mo ago
I used it so I couldn't insert doubles How do you normally set this constraint?
Keswiik3mo ago
well you can prevent double inserts by configuring unique indexes too
Jiry_XDOP3mo ago
Like OfficeId in this case you mean or?
Keswiik3mo ago
i assume sales person can be assigned to a single office? (or no office)
Jiry_XDOP3mo ago
Yes one to many relationship, not required relationship
Keswiik3mo ago
what kind of potential double inserts do you think you could get then? I'm assuming this part of the API does not handle creating salespersons but only sends existing ones worst case scenario, you try adding a user to the same office twice and you likely get an exception but I usually keep all logic out of my entities and do any validation / guarding against stuff like this in the service layer
Jiry_XDOP3mo ago
I see yes in this case its true. The ReadOnlyCollection is not necessary here. It was actually a lecturer of mine who suggested this readonly list (for another entity class but I also implemented it here)m but it has no use case other than avoiding thrown Exceptions.
Keswiik3mo ago
makes sense in the case where a double insert could be possible (say a many-many relationship and you've explicitly defined a join table), you can always add a unique index that uses both FKs you'd do something like
modelBuilder.Entity<YourJoinEntity>.HasIndex(e => new() { e.ForeignKey1, e.ForeignKey2 }).IsUnique()

// or with the fluent api
// never do it this way but I think it's valid?
[Index(nameof(ForeignKey1), nameof(ForeignKey2), IsUnique = true)]
public class YourJoinEntity {
// props here
modelBuilder.Entity<YourJoinEntity>.HasIndex(e => new() { e.ForeignKey1, e.ForeignKey2 }).IsUnique()

// or with the fluent api
// never do it this way but I think it's valid?
[Index(nameof(ForeignKey1), nameof(ForeignKey2), IsUnique = true)]
public class YourJoinEntity {
// props here
Jiry_XDOP3mo ago
Gotcha thanks, I appreciate the help really much. Just one more question, it may be a nooby question, what do you mean here when referring to a backing field for nav properties is that the Id or? here
Keswiik3mo ago
i was referring to this
private List<SalesPerson> _salesPeople = [];

public IReadOnlyCollection<SalesPerson> SalesPeople
get => _salesPeople.AsReadOnly();
init => _salesPeople = Guard.Against.NoDuplicatesAndNotNull(value).ToList();
private List<SalesPerson> _salesPeople = [];

public IReadOnlyCollection<SalesPerson> SalesPeople
get => _salesPeople.AsReadOnly();
init => _salesPeople = Guard.Against.NoDuplicatesAndNotNull(value).ToList();
Jiry_XDOP3mo ago
Oh you meant I also could do it in the modelbuilder without defining it as a nav property?
Keswiik3mo ago
nah i was just saying that I've never used backing fields for a nav prop i usually do public List<SalesPerson> SalesPeople { get; set; } but that is mostly personal preference, I don't like putting any business logic in my entities
Jiry_XDOP3mo ago
Ooh gotcha I totally understand now 🙂 Thanks for explaining and taking time to help me I really appreciate it!
Keswiik3mo ago
np :PepoSalute:
Jiry_XDOP3mo ago

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