wierd menuitem issue: whole menu closes once deeper than 2 menuitems
I'm trying to make a drop-down menu that goes deeper than 2 items, the problem being that the whole menu closes once i try to go further than two menuitems (counting in the initial parent one), the whole thing looks something like this
[Initial parent menuitem]
-test2 --- whole menu closes once i try to expand this one
this is what the xaml for the menu looks like, the seperator being so it can be opened and the submenuopened code runs;
and this is the
worth to mention that i'm using WPFUI by Lepco; https://wpfui.lepo.co/documentation/
i found this but i'm not sure what to make of it https://wpfui.lepo.co/api/Wpf.Ui.Controls.MenuItem.html0 Replies