✅ How to hide sensitive data, like database credentials api keys etc
I know you enter this stuff in your appsettings.json, but from what I can see your apisettings.json gets stored in your gitrepo, so is there something like a .env file in the .NET ecosystem where i can store everything in there omit it from git and then load that data into appsettings.json?
Everything I found so far is talking about setting the variables in an azure key vault or setting them inside of the terminal, am I missing something here? I'm just developing locally atm but even if i deploy this app, i dont think I will be using azure because of how expensive it is and would like to not use the key vault because of that, but at the same time i dont want any of this to be on my git repo for random ppl to potentially see as well.
11 Replies
User secrets
Also, KeyVault costs peanuts
One of the scant few things on Azure that won't bankrupt you lmao
But the rest will? My fear is I make a little portfolio app host it for 5$ or w.e the lowest fee is on azure and them somehow i get a bill that is thousands of dollars with out knowing how that even happened lol
That's always a risk with Azure, AWS, and their ilk
Which is why I prefer a dumb Linux VPS
I pay €3.50 a month or so and that's that
yeah, aws at least had a 1 year free tier when i learned that for node and react, i just terminated my account at the 1 year mark tho lol
If I get DDOS'd the site will grind to a halt, but it won't drain my account
I thought this was a thing but in my web api project I dont see that anywhere
I think ill opt for that when I get this project completed, im just trying to spruce up my resume and get some interviews lol.
Safe storage of app secrets in development in ASP.NET Core
Learn how to store and retrieve sensitive information during the development of an ASP.NET Core app.
Ok now this is a real dumb question, inside of visual studio theres no terminal like vs code, u have this package manager console and then the developer terminal, is that going to the same thing as using windows terminal?
I should of kept reading, my apologies I am dumb